Chris and Maggie's Engagement | Anchors Aweigh


December 18, 2012

Chris and Maggie's Engagement

Our friends Chris and Maggie got engaged Sunday evening! I won't ruin any of their special details, but Parker and I got to be there to take pictures, and so I thought I'd share the evening from our perspective!

A couple of weeks ago, Chris told me he had a special date about an hour and a half east of Pensacola planned for Maggie and asked if I wouldn't mind taking pictures. I am by no means a photographer, but I have a nice camera, so I was happy to help. It wasn't hard to put two and two together and realize he was planning a proposal! The date was supposed to take place Saturday evening, but as luck would have it, Chris got scheduled for his cross country that weekend. He said we would play it by ear and if he got back in time Sunday evening, he would still have the date then. I was in standby mode, and sure enough I got a text from Chris Sunday afternoon saying the date would be a go.

We drove to Defuniak Springs, Fl for this really neat Christmas lights display. Parker and I parked at a nearby church and were going to walk the short distance to the Christmas display. As soon as I shut my door, Parker got this scared look on his face and just stood there. It didn't take long to realize why. Yep, the keys were locked in the car. Awesome. Honestly, we really didn't have time to worry about it. Chris and Maggie were about 20 minutes out, and we still had to figure out where we were supposed to go and hide.

Chris wanted to propose in a gazebo (Maggie later told me she loves gazebos!), so Parker and I got to the entrance of the park and asked to be directed to the white gazebo with pretty lights. The lady in charge gave me a funny look and said there were three white gazebos with pretty lights. I texted Chris to ask which gazebo he would like us to go to, and he specified, so off we went. We got to the gazebo, but it wasn't lit at all and just didn't seem like the right spot. He was already at the park and told us to go to the gazebo with flamingos next to it. We were on the complete opposite side of the park, so we practically ran all the way around these beautiful displays to try to get there before they did. We made it just before they got there!

We heard them coming so I hid behind a tree to start taking pictures. I eventually just got in plain sight because I wanted them to have good pictures. He got down on one knee, she said yes, and it was perfect for them! We were excited to be there to witness it! It was completely dark outside, so it was difficult to take good-quality pictures, but we got a few good ones!

After we took some pictures, we left them alone to spend some quiet moments together as a newly engaged couple. It was time to remember that our keys were locked in the car. All I can say is thank goodness for USAA. They called a locksmith and told us it would be 80 minutes, so we just sat on the steps of the church and waited. Although it was frustrating at first, we ended up having the best time just hanging out waiting to get rescued. We watched old videos on our phones and just laughed. If you're going to get locked out of your car, it might as well be with your best friend, right? It only took 30 minutes for the locksmith to get there (score!), and we were back on the road five minutes later. It was a fun, eventful evening, and I am glad we were able to do this favor for our friends!

1 comment :

  1. I except some responsibility for the keys ... and for the record there were at least 4 Gazebos


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