The Cotton Bowl and a Purely Lazy Weekend | Anchors Aweigh


January 7, 2013

The Cotton Bowl and a Purely Lazy Weekend

I know I speak for everyone and their dog when I say this, but I love the weekends. Parker and I get so excited when it's Friday at 5:00 because we have two full days of pure fun and vegging out ahead of us. This weekend was no different. This was our first weekend back in Florida after two weeks in Texas, so we were excited to just do nothing and spend time with each other.

Friday night was the Cotton Bowl! The Aggies played OU, and at 41-13, it was a shut out. This was a great year to be an Aggie! They finished out the season 11-2 with a Heisman winner, which nobody expected when the season started. The Stews and Corridan planned a shrimp boil, and it was great! I am actually really bummed that football season is over because I loved getting together with our friends every weekend to watch the games and eat more food than was ever necessary.

Bruce and Jenny love football parties

Saturday morning we slept in and had breakfast in bed. We watched The Hunger Games (Parker gave it to me for Christmas, and I have been dying to see it again!), made a pizza, and took Jenny for a walk before a much needed pupper bath. Taking Jenny on that walk was probably the most productive thing we did all day, and neither of us were complaining.

Saturday night we met the Stews and Corridan for dinner at Hooters and then a little froyo at Sweet Frog! I become the happiest girl when I get frozen yogurt or ice cream, so naturally it was a great night. I didn't take any pictures, but how cute is Jenny snuggling up to me before we left? I think she knew we were about to leave for the evening, so she was getting in some last minute cuddles!

Sunday we went to church, did chores around the house, and had a little dinner date at Chili's. Mostly, we just laid around. I know this sounds like the most boring weekend, but it was EXACTLY what we wanted. We got to spend time with each other and Jenny, see our friends, and sleep. What more can we ask for?!

Happy Monday!


  1. Omg he really does! Their blurry playing pictures makes me shows the true Jenny and Bruce haha


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