24 | Anchors Aweigh


February 14, 2013


It's funny how birthdays make you reflect on where you are in life. Today I turn 24, and I am counting my blessings. Looking back on the past 24 years, I feel so undeserving of all the grace God has shown me. I have tried to live a life that glorifies Him, but I have fallen short in so many ways. Yet He still continues to watch over me and my loved ones and richly bless my life.

"For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9

I am so humbled by this verse because I did absolutely nothing to merit God's blessings. I have sinned just as much as the next person, and just like everyone else, I fall short of the glory of God. Today I feel blessed. Life can be stressful, and things don't always go my way, but God is constantly looking out for me. I am thankful for grace, and I am thankful for where I am in life.


Not only do I turn 24 today, but I get to share it with my best friend! Danielle and I were born 42 minutes apart and have shared everything since. I wouldn't have it any other way! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWIN!!!

 Celebrating our 23rd birthday together. We will take an updated picture this weekend!

23 was a good year, and I am excited to see what 24 holds! I can honestly say this is not the life I envisioned growing up. I didn't plan to marry someone in the military, I didn't plan to live states away from my family, and I didn't plan to work completely from home (growing up I thought I wanted to go to law school or climb the corporate ladder with my business degree). However, this is the life God gave me, and now I can't imagine it any other way. I am so glad He had different plans for me than I had for myself. Parker is more than I ever thought I deserved in a husband, and I am so blessed God chose me to support him in his life in the Navy. Does being away from our families stink? Yes, it does. But do we think our life is absolutely perfect? Yes, we do. So here's to 24 and thanking God for this life I have! I couldn't feel more blessed.


  1. happy birthday again! i'm so glad you were born because if you weren't then i wouldn't have someone that understands our crazy military life ways and plus you're the best so there. hope your day is most awesome with parker and the sweet pup!

    1. So you're so sweet and your comment made me smile!! I am so glad we met yall in Pensacola because, lezbehonest, you understand this crazy life we signed up for and I am so thankful for you! I hope this next week flies for you so you are reunited with the husband and sweet pup!


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