A Phelps-Filled Weekend | Anchors Aweigh


February 11, 2013

A Phelps-Filled Weekend

This weekend was all about us. Parker and I didn't do anything fancy or super exciting, but we had so much fun together. We planned a date night for Friday night, which for us always consists of dinner and a movie. I know it's the cliche date night, but we love food, and going to the movies has always been our thing. We ate at Buffalo Wild Wings (we have really got to mix it up and go somewhere different one of these days), and we saw the movie Warm Bodies. I am actually super scared of the whole zombie concept and can't watch anything with zombies in it without getting completely freaked out, but this was a comedy and thoroughly entertaining. For some reason, we found this poster hilarious.

Saturday was a completely lazy day of watching TV on the couch, playing games, and taking naps. Does anyone besides us play this game? It's called cribbage. It's fun and different!

We tried to go play tennis, but the courts were full, so we decided to do a long walk with Jenny instead. Parker has been wanting to take a walk along the bay for a while now, and Saturday afternoon was the perfect day. One of Jenny's nicknames is "Nature Pup" because she just loves being outside and exploring all of the wonderful smells. She loved the sand, and she galloped full speed through the water every time she saw a bird flying overhead. Jenny hates the water, but when she thinks she has the opportunity to hunt something, she focuses on nothing else. I'll let the pictures tell the rest, but we had a great time on our little family walk!

Sunday was another day of pure rest and relaxation. Church, throwing the football, TV on the couch, family naps, etc. We decided to get dressed up that evening and celebrate Valentine's Day early. My birthday is on Valentine's Day, so we usually don't do much for Valentine's Day itself. Honestly, this was just our justification on going on another date night in the same weekend. We don't really see the big hype with Valentine's Day, but we do love date night! We had a giftcard to Outback Steakhouse that bought a delicious dinner, and we saw Side Effects at the theater. Okay, this movie is completely underrated. We LOVED it. It was so good and kept you guessing the entire time.

So that was our weekend. Nothing crazy or glamorous, but this is our life and we are loving every minute of it. :)


  1. I love the pictures of nature dog!

  2. That sounds like a perfect weekend!!!

    1. Thanks Lauren! It was definitely relaxing! Hope you had a great weekend with your precious family as well!


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