Danielle Is Going To Be A Nurse! | Anchors Aweigh


February 20, 2013

Danielle Is Going To Be A Nurse!

Okay yall, I just have to brag on my twin today. She has just received her acceptance letter into TCU's accelerated nursing program!! I have to say I am pretty excited to have a nurse in the family and plan to take full advantage of her when we have little Phelplets running around with ear infections and other childhood illnesses. Her acceptance into nursing school isn't necessarily why I am so proud though. She's a smart girl, and I never really doubted she could get into nursing school once she decided that's what she wanted to do. However, deciding to pursue nursing wasn't the easy or convenient decision.

She graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in education. She thought she wanted to be a teacher but quickly decided after college that teaching was not her passion in life. She thrived in student teaching and currently has a long-term substitute position at the middle school we attended 11 years ago in Midlothian. The faculty and students love her over there. She was told multiple times that a full-time position was her's if she wanted it. All she had to do was say the word. My mom is an amazing teacher and has been for many years, and Danielle definitely inherited that gift. It would have been easy to go the teaching route: she already had the degree, the job was there if she wanted it, and she was good at what she did. She knew though that this wasn't her passion in life and that she wanted to help people in a different way. Even though it meant taking more classes to even be able to apply and then 15 months of nursing school once accepted, she put her mind to it and never looked back.

She officially received her letter of acceptance yesterday, and she will begin nursing school in May! I am so proud of her for following her heart, even if it meant taking the road less traveled. Not many people can say they are passionate about what they do. I have only encountered a few people in life that are truly living out their dream in the professional world, my husband being one of them. The fact that Danielle gets to join this small percentage makes me beyond proud. I love you twin! So excited for your new journey in Fort Worth as a horned frog! (Let's be honest though, we are Aggies first and foremost, so don't forget it!)

Congratulations Danielle!

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