February 14th with the Phelps Trio | Anchors Aweigh


February 22, 2013

February 14th with the Phelps Trio

Our Valentine's Day was really low key, but neither of us wanted anything super grand. We really aren't big Valentine's Day people, so we don't go all out with the chocolates and the flowers and the lovey dovey gifts. Don't get me wrong, I think Valentine's Day can be cool for newer couples or couples with kids who desperately need a night out, but we are newlyweds (ish) with no kids, so really every night is date night. Our relationship is fairly low maintenance in that we really just enjoy spending time with each other. All that fancy stuff just isn't us. Plus, since my birthday is also on Valentine's Day, we usually just celebrate that instead. That said, we tried to do a few things to make the day special for each other, so here is our Valentine's Day in a nutshell!

Parker made me a delicious breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes. They were so good! I think he's actually an amazing cook and just down-playing it so I continue to cook everything. Just a theory ;).

Parker didn't want me to feel hefty on my birthday, so he made me this little nugget of a pancake. Parker the self-esteem booster strikes again...

 Kidding kidding, I ate my weight in these delicious things!

I set out little treats for Jenny and Parker to wake up to. Nothing fancy, just little love gifts. (And let's be honest, I grabbed the beer from the fridge and the wine from the wine rack to make it look like he was getting more. Don't worry, he thought it was funny.)

Jenny loved her Valentine's Day lamb, which was completely de-fluffed in under 5 minutes.

I had planned on cooking that night, but we found out Parker had the following day off, so we decided to go to our favorite commercial conglomerate, Chilis. We go there at least 2-3 times a month, and it was the first time in over a year we had to wait to be seated! I expected all of the couples, but I didn't realize how many families went out to eat together on Valentine's Day. We enjoyed a little people watching while we waited for a table. When we got back home, I opened the sweet gifts and cards that my family and friends had sent for my birthday. I felt very blessed! Jenny was so helpful and just loved having the bows on her head (sarcasm).

Overall, it was just a great day that we got to spend together as a little family! 

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