Pre-Ceremony: Getting Ready | Anchors Aweigh


February 28, 2013

Pre-Ceremony: Getting Ready

The day of your wedding is filled with jitters and butterflies and just plain excitement. Because we had a 2:00 pm ceremony, there wasn't a lot of time to anxiously pace or twiddle your thumbs. It takes a long time for a bride and her posse to get ready, and we didn't waste a minute! I had a hair appointment that morning and immediately went to the bridal party's room in our chapel to get ready with the girls. Luckily there was a huge counter and mirror, because there were curling irons, straighteners, and make-up containers everywhere! By that point, I really wasn't nervous because we were all at the chapel together, and I knew Parker was just a few rooms away. Getting ready on your wedding day with your girlfriends is the ultimate dress-up party!

Meanwhile, in the boys' room...

Needless to say, it didn't take them long to get ready at all. They had a nice little social hour while we girls obsessed about every little detail. Sounds about right.

Danielle led us all in a prayer before the ceremony began, just as I had done for her wedding. I cannot reiterate enough how special it was to get ready with my family and best friends! It was a perfect morning, and the best was still yet to come...

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