Anchors Aweigh : March 2013


March 29, 2013

Living He Loved Us, Dying He Saved Us

Today is Good Friday and the start of Easter weekend, and it's always such a great time for reflection. We have heard so many times that Jesus died on the cross and rose again that it has almost been trivialized in our brains. We forget how truly awesome it is. I was thinking about it last night from a new perspective and I still cannot completely wrap my head around it, so I wanted to share.

I'll use Parker as an example and try to keep this as light as possible. If someone told me I had to die in order for Parker to live, it would be an unthinkable and nightmarish situation, but I love Parker so much that I would be able to do it with little to no reservation. Not only do I love him so much, but he loves me that much too. It's not fun to think about, but I could die knowing the person I love most in this world got to live. Jesus died so that all of us could be saved. When He was dying on the cross, there were a few people there that loved Him and were grief-stricken, but the majority of the people there hated Him and mocked Him during those final hours of torture before He died. Jesus not only died for those who loved Him, but He died for those who hated Him. What kind of love is that?! How could He sacrifice Himself for people who despised and rejected Him? It's just amazing to think about, and I don't know if it is a love we can humanly comprehend.

Glorious Day by Casting Crowns (Jeff Johnson does a great version too) is my favorite song during Easter time because the lyrics are so raw and powerful.

This is such a special weekend to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice and just thank God for sending His Son to die for us. Not only did He die, but He overcame the grave and rose again. Again, I think we have heard it so many times that it has lost some of it's conviction, but I am challenging myself to really meditate on that for the next couple of days. I am so excited for this weekend and look forward to the Easter baskets and the candy and the big Sunday lunch, but even more so I am excited to let this weekend remind me how fortunate I am to be saved. I did absolutely nothing to deserve this gift, but Jesus did it because He loves us.

March 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today my Dad turns the big 49! Although I can't be home for his birthday this year, I thought I would take this chance to blog about how special I think my Dad is.

My Dad and I have always had a neat relationship, and he has always been a huge role model in my life. I have never met anyone who works harder for the people they love, and I hope I can show the same dedication to my family one day. One of the things I am most grateful for in life is our friendship. He is always a Dad when I need him to be, but now that I am all grown up, he is one of my best friends. I can't thank God enough for that!

They say you marry someone with similar values and morals as your Dad, and that definitely held true for me. Obviously Parker and my Dad are different people, but I found in Parker the same dedication, devotion, morals, and work ethic that I grew up seeing in my Dad. I had really high expectations for the man I would marry because of the Dad I grew up with, and I thank God every day for bringing me someone like Parker. I lucked out in the husband department and didn't do anything to deserve the amazing life I have.

So today, I am thanking you for being a role model, a man of God, a Dad, and a best friend. I love you Dad!


March 27, 2013

Our Wednesday Night Obsession

Parker and I get so excited for Wednesday nights at 7 pm. We don't go anywhere fancy or have a special meal, but Wednesday night is easily our favorite weeknight, and here's why...

SURVIVOR! They are currently on their 26th season, and I have watched all but one or two. I think I missed a couple in college, but I have always absolutely loved this show. Parker didn't watch it much until we got married, but now he's hooked. Winning! It's a little ridiculous to think I was 11 years old when Richard Hatch won season 1 and I am still addicted to the show, but it's true. Parker and I get so giddy when it's on and get into laughing fits over some of the things these contestants do and say.

We like to talk about how we would play if we were on Survivor. We both think we would get voted off first- me because I think I would say something awkward to my tribe and thus begin my isolation, and him because he cannot tell a lie (a quality I admire). For some reason the chemistry between 20 Americans who are starving, cold/hot, and from all different walks of life is perfection. We get so excited for every season, and it never disappoints.

It's not glamorous or even very cool, but this is our favorite Wednesday night activity and we love it! :)

March 26, 2013

Chicken Tostadas

I found this recipe on Pinterest and thought it would be a fun little spin on the typical taco night. I followed the recipe about as well as Jenny follows directions when there are other dogs around (not well), but the beauty of these tostadas is they can be prepared six ways to Sunday. Parker and I both thought they were delicious, and they were super simple for me to prepare. I didn't really want leftovers, so the following measurements will make two large tostadas.


2 large flour tortillas
1/2 cup peanut oil
5-6 chicken strips
1 can refried beans
shredded cheese
1 small roma tomato, diced
1/2 cup diced onion
sour cream

*avocado, shredded lettuce, hot sauce, lime juice, etc. would all make wonderful toppings too!


1. Place chicken in crockpot and cover with salsa. Cook on low 4-6 hours, or until cooked through and chicken shreds easily.
2. Heat peanut oil in skillet until hot, and place tortilla in oil. Heat until the bottom is golden brown, and flip tortilla with tongs. Repeat until both sides are golden brown and place on paper towel. Be sure to watch the tortilla carefully. After about 20-30 seconds, it will burn. If you've never fried a tortilla, it fries quickly and is neat to watch!
3.  Sautee diced onions until translucent, remove from heat.
4. Pour refried beans into a small pot and cook until mixture thins slightly and is heated through.
5. Garnish tostadas with refried beans, chicken, tomatoes, onions, cheese, and sour cream. Serve and enjoy!

March 25, 2013

Exploring Our City

Parker and I are always in the best mood Sunday after church, so lately we have been going out to lunch, walking around the mall, etc. to postpone the studying/housework that awaits every Sunday afternoon. This Sunday, Parker asked if I wanted to each lunch downtown, and of course I was game. Pensacola has a really neat downtown area. It's historic with a modern twist, and there are tons of neat art galleries, shops, and restaurants. Bonus: downtown Pensacola dead ends at the bay. We have really fallen in love with this place, and it's very surreal to us that we won't be here much longer. It's definitely bitter sweet, but we are excited for new adventures elsewhere. Anyway, Sunday we parked downtown and just walked up and down the streets of our beautiful little city. We have lived here over a year, but we had never taken the time to really explore the downtown area. A little sad, I know. Sunday was a GORGEOUS day and it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

I loved the fountain near the start of our walk! Parker found a hubcap sitting by the sidewalk, and the hoarder in me was trying so hard to think of something cool I could craft out of it, but I decided we didn't need any more junk (and this was literally junk). 

We found a neat little gazebo (I thought of you Maggie!) next to what I think was some sort of Bed & Breakfast, and it was precious with all the greenery around it. Side note: Parker and I both wore green unintentionally, so we considered walking around and pinching random strangers who weren't wearing green to try to convince them it was St. Patrick's Day. We decided to be normal and not do that. We dead-ended at the bay, my personal favorite part of the day. The water was beautiful and there were so many people just enjoying the view and taking in the gorgeous day that we had been given. Of course I had to get a picture of Parker in front of the ship (Navy problems).

The coolest thing about the bay hands down were all the birds that hung out there. There were a lot of people fishing, so the pelicans hung out on the side walk in hopes of snatching a fish. They didn't want to be bothered, but there weren't shy at all about being around people. So neat!

The large bird is a grey heron, and the other two are pelicans. I had never been so close before!

We took turns acting like cheesy tourists and posing in front of the pelicans. We couldn't get over how comfortable they were with people. It was neat, and the water was beautiful. We so often take for granted living in Pensacola, but Sunday was definitely a reminder of how blessed we are to live here!

We ate lunch at a place called Helen Back (catchy and weird at the same time), and it was a great way to end our little mini adventure. We sat on the third-floor balcony overlooking part of the city and I proceeded to get a slight sunburn...typical. After lunch it was time to face reality and head home, but Parker and I had the best little time together!

March 22, 2013

The devil in Discontentment

This post has been on my heart for a few weeks now, so I am finally sitting down to write it. I kept thinking that the longer I waited to write this out, the more profound and applicable it would be, but I need to stop procrastinating, and I am praying this will be encouraging to someone. I think discontentment is something we all struggle with in some aspect of our lives, and I feel like this is where the devil sees an opening and tries to claw his way in. This post makes it sound like I am unhappy, and that couldn't be further from the truth. I feel so humbled and blessed that God allowed Parker and I to find each other, that he put Jenny in our lives, and that he surrounded us with the most amazing family and friends. But it is human nature to want more. Social media definitely does not help as it serves as a blatant showcase where we all brag about how great our weekend was, how adorable our dog is, how wonderful our husbands/boyfriends are, etc. Because we tend to only showcase the good and hide the not so good, we start believing that there are people out there with perfect lives.

We got married in 2011 along with a lot of other people our age, and many of those 2011 couples are now expecting their first child. Parker and I cannot wait to be parents, but we know there are better times than others to have kids in the Navy, and now is not one of the better times. It's so easy to be discontent with our situation knowing that if Parker had an 8-5 desk job, there would be nothing stopping us from trying to start a family. I think this is where the devil sees an opportunity. God designed this life specifically for Parker and me to live out, so how dare I feel jealous or sad that others are getting to start a family and we are not? Every day there seems to be another pregnancy announcement, and I am genuinely thrilled for each couple who learns they are expecting. I can't even imagine the joy they must feel when they find out! I get excited for people I hardly know because I know it's something I so badly want, so I can only imagine how it must feel to know that it's actually happening. Again though, it's so easy to be discontent and wish I had that. I try to remember though that no matter how perfect someone's life seems, it's not. They struggle with the same pitfalls that the rest of us do. I heard this saying a while back, and it has stuck with me.

"If we all threw our problems into a big pile, you'd take your problems back and run once you saw what others had thrown in."

So today I am focusing on the positives in my life and knowing that there really is so much to be thankful for. Are Parker and I having a baby right this minute? No, but are we still blessed beyond belief? A thousand times yes. Instead of focusing on what you wish you had, say a prayer and thank God for all He has already given you, and know that His perfect plan is often beyond our comprehension. I can't wait to see what God has planned for Parker and me, but for right now, I know He's got us right where He wants us, so what more could I ask for?

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

March 21, 2013

It's All In The Details

I think the details in a wedding are what make the wedding your own. Every bride wears a dress, every groom has an interesting cake, and every bridesmaid wears a dress she normally would not have picked out herself. Little details like colors, songs, and toasts are what I get most excited about when I go to a wedding. Today I thought I'd share some of the special little details that were a part of our wedding.

Shoes- I wore white cowboy boots instead of the traditional heels. My dad picked them out for me to wear on my wedding day, and that made it really special for me. I know I will treasure these boots forever! (side note- although I loved them and wouldn't have changed them for the world, it sure was hot wearing those babies in the middle of the Texas summer!)

Bouquet- My bouquet was comprised of cream-colored roses, the Delta Gamma flower. I also had a single yellow rose placed in the bouquet. This was special to me because Parker handed me a single yellow rose when he proposed. You can read that story here. I also had my mother's handkerchief wrapped around the bouquet. I absolutely LOVED my bouquet!

Goblets- The goblets Parker and I used for the toasts are my Nana's. My mom, aunt, and sister all used them in their wedding as well. (side note- those things were really hard to drink from elegantly because they are so large, so it became project "don't spill all over your dress"... thankfully, I didn't!)

The Cakes: I was going for simple elegance with my cake, and I love the way it turned out! Parker originally wanted senior boots on the top of his cake to signify his four years in the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M, but we couldn't find that anywhere. He ended up having chocolate covered strawberries and little chocolate medallions engraved with the Texas A&M University seal. We loved it! (side note- I learned that on your wedding day, you really don't get to eat your cakes. To say I was disappointed was an understatement, but hopefully everyone else enjoyed them!)

Dresses- My favorite color combination is navy and white (I guess I was meant to be a Navy wife), so I chose simple Navy dresses for my bridesmaids. They had pockets, which I am all about, and I loved the simple, elegant look. I was also going for something they could hopefully wear again, but let's be honest, do these things ever get worn again? I loved wearing my dress and never wanted to take it off! It's a shame you only get to wear it once.

Aggie Rings- Parker and I are both very proud to be Aggies, so we loved getting to wear our Aggie rings on our wedding day. Fun fact: Parker actually wore the Aggie ring of one of his groomsmen, Travis. He had lost his Aggie ring on a river trip with his buddies a couple of months before, and the replacement still had not come in. When Parker and I joined hands at the altar, I felt the ring and gave him a questioning look. He grinned and quietly told me it belonged to Travis. I smiled to myself because Parker is such a die-hard Aggie that he was going to wear that ring one way or another. Thanks Travis for letting him borrow yours!

Guest Book Table- We displayed a few engagement pictures and a small bridal shot at the entry table with the guestbook. A couple of days before the wedding, we were at Nana's house, and Mom came in with an old picture of me as a kid and asked if we could put it on the table. At that point I was so done making decisions, so I said of course. (Fun fact, we are 95% sure that is actually me in the childhood photograph. Nobody could tell for sure if it was me or Danielle, soooo we all took a vote and decided this one looked more like me. Twin problems.)

Unity Candle- Our unity candle was really special to us because it is the same unity candle that Parker's parents, aunts/uncles, and grandparents used. I loved that we got to use it and hope our children can one day use it as well.

Napkins- we ordered personalized napkins for the occasion with our names and wedding date. They were navy and white and I found them quite adorable. We probably still have 50 sitting in our kitchen, and I have no idea what to do with them. They are too pretty to use and I can't throw them away, so I am hoarding them away in a kitchen drawer.

Runway: My family friend Donna is one of the most artistic people you will ever meet. She is Nana's best friend and has been a fixture in my life since I was born. She was our florist and also provided so many ideas and a ton of artistic direction for our wedding. She and her daughter made me a monogrammed runway to walk down the aisle on. It was beautiful and I absolutely loved it!!

So there you have it: a few things that made our wedding ours! :)

March 20, 2013

Tuscan Ravioli in Tomato-Basil Cream Sauce

I found this recipe on Pinterest a few weeks ago and had been itching to try it! Parker and I both love pasta but the classic spaghetti option is just a little tired for us, so I was excited when I came across this new recipe. I modified it a bit from the original to better fit our taste, and yall, it was DELICIOUS! I will definitely be making it again!

20 oz package of four cheese ravioli
15 oz jar of alfredo sauce
2 T white wine
1 large tomato, chopped
1/2 cup chopped basil
1/3 cup parmesan cheese (grated or out of the can works fine)
5-6 Italian sausage links

1. Prepare pasta according to package instructions.
2. Cook sausage according to package instructions. I grilled them in a skillet until done.
3.  Pour alfredo sauce into a medium saucepan. Pour wine into empty alfredo jar, cover tightly, and shake well. Stir wine mixture, chopped tomatoes, and basil into saucepan. Cook over low-medium heat about 5 minutes or until heated thoroughly.
4. Slice sausage links and add sausage to sauce mixture.

5. Toss sauce with pasta and Parmesan cheese. Serve and enjoy!

March 19, 2013

Pensacola Bucket List

When Parker and I got to Pensacola 14 months ago, we quickly created our "Pensacola Bucket List". One of the coolest parts of Navy life is getting to travel and live in different places, so we wanted a way to hold ourselves accountable and make sure we really take advantage of every place we live. Looking back at the bucket list, we completed most of the activities our first few months living here. Eager much? While we have not done everything on this list, we feel we hit the important things. We created this list our first weekend here before we really knew anything about Pensacola, so a few of the bullet points are a little odd looking back. We kept a spreadsheet of the bucket list, and Parker went through and wrote dates and commentary for some of the places we went, so I will share that as well. If you didn't know this about me, I am a pretty big Parker fan, so some of his comments had me cracking up. Without further ado, here it is!

1. Naval Aviation Museum

We went to the Aviation Museum 2/3/12, and Parker was on cloud nine! This was one of those "I love my husband so I will smile and look at all the pretty planes" events for me, but I love seeing Parker in his element and so passionate. The Naval Aviation Museum is something everyone wants to see when they visit, so we took both my grandparents and Parker's parents when they visited last year.

Parker's comments: We went and walked through the entire museum! There were lots of cool (historic) airplanes and very interesting displays. Fun!

2. Beach

Well this one was fairly obvious. We live right next to the beautiful Pensacola beach, so we knew we had to take advantage of it! I don't know how many times we went to the beach, but I can tell you it was a lot. It became a regular weekend thing to grab a cooler, pack the car, and spend the day at the beach with our friends. Simple yet an absolute blast!

3. USS Alabama

We Parker had been wanting to go see the USS Alabama in Mobile since the day we got here. We didn't mean to wait so long to go, but we finally got around to it a year after we moved here. Bonus: our friends Doug and Michelle wanted to go too, so we had a little double date day and enjoyed the museum. You can read my full post on that here.  Though this was clearly a Parker activity, I had a great time. Like the Naval Aviation Museum, I love seeing him in his element.

4. Fort Barrancas

We went to Fort Barrancas on 2/12/12, so it's kind of a blur. One detail, however, stands out like it was yesterday. It. was. FREEZING! I am from Texas- I don't do cold well. Once you got past the weather, we had a lovely time :). We toured the inside and outside, and it was really cool to see all the history and think about the men who actually used this fort to fight off intruders so many years ago.

Parker's comments: Went during Chelsea's Birth Week! How exciting! Pretty cool seeing the technology of the time and touring the battlements.

5. Lighthouse

We toured the lighthouse the same day we toured Fort Barrancas, so it was a busy day for our feet. The lighthouse was so my favorite! We got to climb all the way to the top and had a gorgeous view of the beach.

6. Waffle House

Wait, what? Yes, you read that right. Eating at the Waffle House was on our bucket list, but let me offer you our justification. There is literally a Waffle House at every exit in Pensacola/other areas of Florida we have been to. We decided it must be a Florida thing so we had to eat breakfast there at least once. I feel like it's more common to see a Waffle House here than a gas station! Slight exaggeration, but you get the idea. That said, I have to say we do love a good Waffle House breakfast. We waddle on out of there happy as clams every time!

Parker's comments: We ate breakfast and loved it! We will definitely be going back.

7. Clay Shooting

I had never been shooting, and Parker was so excited to go to a shooting range, so I gave him an afternoon at the range for Valentine's Day and off we went on 2/25/12. It was fun! I am not super comfortable around guns and said a lot of silent prayers throughout our time there, but I loved doing something different and was channeling my inner Sydney Bristow (any Alias fans out there?). Parker shot the clay pigeons, but we all knew I had no chance of hitting them, so they just let me shoot into the woods a few times. We went again in the Spring with our friends to shoot targets, which was also a blast. I wore my neon orange DG shirt for safety. You can't be too careful, right?

Parker's comments: We went out to Styx River and had a blast! Now I want a shotgun barrel and handgun!

8. Checker's

Seriously, another fast food chain? Yep, this was the last item on our list. They don't have Checker's restaurants in Texas, so we wanted to see what all the fuss was about. We have eaten at Checker's a few times, and it definitely satisfies the burger/fries craving. I know it's a little ridiculous that Waffle House and Checker's made the bucket list and that somehow the Fish House and Maguire's (restaurants Pensacola is actually known for) didn't. Like I said earlier, this bucket list was made before we really knew anything about Pensacola. I can assure you that we have hit up all the cool, local restaurants during our time here. For the Texans who have never eaten at Checker's, think a cross between Sonic and Wendy's.

Parker's comments: We ate at checkers and the burger/fries were delicious!

Other things that were originally on the bucket list that we never did: Saenger Theater, Sam's Surf City Waterpark, and the zoo. In our 14 months here, I have never heard of the first two, so I am guessing we aren't missing anything too fabulous. As for the zoo, we spent a day at Naples Zoo on our honeymoon, so that satisfied our zoo fix for a while. I think Pensacola has a pretty small zoo, so we were fine skipping out on that one.

So there you have it: our Pensacola Bucket List! I am excited to do this for every new place we live. We will be creating a new bucket list this time next month! Eeek! :)


March 18, 2013

A Little Bit of Texas in Florida

This weekend could not have come fast enough. Parker didn't get home till about 10:00 pm each evening this past week, so I was so ready to have my husband back! There is only so much girl time Jenny and I can enjoy before we are ready to have the man in our lives back. Thus, Friday night was a much needed date night. We got all cutsied up and headed downtown for a nice dinner at Carrabbas (gotta love gift cards!). It was a perfect little date night.

Saturday we were so excited because Parker's parents (Tim & Leigh) drove down for a little getaway to Pensacola! They visited back in August, and we were beyond thrilled for them to come back. When you live so far away, having family visit is just about the coolest thing ever. We tried out a local seafood restaurant and watched Life of Pi (thought I would hate it, ended up loving it). This picture is about as festive as we got in honor of St. Patrick's Day.

That's a green hush puppy. I know I know, we really need to slow down. Sunday we spent the morning catching up and enjoying family time. Jenny is the hostess with the mostest, so she lent her body as a backrest for Leigh. How thoughtful!

Parker needed to study that day, so I headed down to Pensacola beach with Tim and Leigh. Their good family friends have an amazing condo down there. We had a low-key day of hanging out and lounging at the beach...perfection. I say this all the time, but I hit the in-law jackpot, so I had the best time just catching up with them while we waited on Parker to finish studying.

Parker drove down in time for a delicious seafood dinner, and I watched the sunset with a glass of wine in hand and this view.

It was another amazing weekend that went by all too quickly!

March 15, 2013

Crockpot BBQ Ribs

Parker is like every other man in America and loves BBQ ribs. I didn't really have any experience cooking ribs, so I turned to my trusty crock pot for an easy out. All I can say is yum! This recipe passed the husband test with flying colors, and it couldn't be easier to prepare. 3 ingredients anyone?

3-4 lb. rack of ribs
2 onions, sliced
40 oz BBQ sauce
Optional- a dash of salt and pepper

1. Slice ribs into serving-size pieces and place into crockpot along with other ingredients. Cook on high for 1 hour.
2. Reduce heat setting to low and cook 8 more hours.

Yep, it's that easy. These ribs are so tender and fall right off the bone. I highly recommend!

March 14, 2013

Our Reception

The ceremony was over, and we were officially husband and wife. Time to celebrate!! Although our ceremony was so special and personally my favorite part of the day, the reception did not disappoint. By that time the pressure was completely off, so it was time to let loose and spend time with our favorite people. Parker and I entered the room as Mr. and Mrs. Parker Phelps, and then our pastor said a prayer for us.

We all sat down to eat. Actually, you really don't get to eat on your wedding day. Everyone else had a nice meal though.

The Dances

Parker and I danced our first dance to Then by Brad Paisley. This was a no-brainer for us. We had heard and sung this song throughout our relationship, and the lyrics were perfect. And I thought I loved you then. Simple. True. Us.

And then towards the end we got the giggles. Typical.

My Dad and I danced our Father/Daughter dance to My Little Girl by Tim McGraw. I asked my Dad to pick the song and he picked this one in about 5 minutes. I agreed, it was perfect. Poor Dad has to get creative because he has four daughters, and of course you can't reuse songs. My Dad and I joined hands on the dance floor, both looked at each other, realized we were about to cry, and looked away instantly trying to regain our composure. 


 My Dad told me he was going to do this ahead of time, but I still wasn't ready. Towards the end of the song, he grabbed Parker, shook his hand, and let us finish the dance together. Cue all the tears. I didn't cry during our first dance because it was pure happiness to me. I knew Parker and I got each other for the rest of our lives. There was something so emotional to me about my Dad handing me over to Parker as if to say "Take care of her. She's yours now." My Dad and I will always have a really special relationship, so this one was emotional for me. I cried in Parker's arms as we finished the dance.

Parker and his mom danced their Mother/Son dance to God Gave Me You by Dave Barnes. I have to say that I absolutely loved this song for them and thought it was so sweet to watch them together.

Leigh also took my hand and let Parker and I finish out their dance, symbolizing the same thing my Dad has done. This is it. It's you and me now. We have really awesome parents.

The Speeches

Okay, time to party! Everyone danced and talked and mingled, and Parker and I just soaked it all in. When will we have all the people we love in the same room again? I was loving it. It was time for the toasts, and I was ready to sit back and laugh. I had been Danielle's MOH two months before, and I can tell you that I totally stressed over that speech. I wanted it to be perfect and sweet and meaningful and something she would remember. Now the pressure was off and it was her turn to tell me how amazing I am. Kidding kidding, but I was so excited to hear what she had to say. I mean, we had been best friends since the womb. Erik, Parker's best man, was up first. These two were best friends in high school and I was excited for what he was going to say. The speeches are kind of a blur nearly 2 years later, but I know they were both really sweet!

Twins think they're so funny. Again, what she said is a blur, but I know it was sweet, I know it was funny, and I know she quoted an episode of Friends at the end. Ahhh, perfection. Parker and I toasted and didn't spill (score!). Drinking out of those babies was quite the task.

Cutting the Cake

Now it was time to cut the cake. Parker and I knew our maturity levels were too low to just sweetly feed it to each other, so this was going to be fun. First, we cut the cake together. 

Then, well I'll let the pictures tell the rest...

We did a married couples dance, and whoever was left at the end had been married the longest and gave us a little piece of advice. I had done the math before the wedding and already knew the winner. By three months, my grandparents (Nana and Grandaddy) won over Parker's grandparents (Nellie and Daddy Pete). Nana and Grandaddy are beyond special to me, so I was so excited to hear what they had to say. Grandaddy got choked up talking about marriage with Nana, which was the sweetest thing. I love them so much, and they have such a beautiful relationship.

We all danced some more, and then it was time for the Aggie War Hymn. Parker and I are Aggies through and through, so we were so excited to get together with all of the other Aggies and do the War Hymn. They started the music, we all whooped, and we all quickly formed a circle for our favorite little tradition. Love love love being an Aggie. Love it.

I know this post is getting ridiculously long, but I had to include these two pictures. These are all the wonderful Delta Gammas that came, and the bottom picture is one of my favorite pictures ever taken. These girls mean so much to me. 

Bouquet/Garter Toss

I love the bouquet toss. It's a fun little tradition to see who the next person is to get married. My sweet 10 yr. old cousin caught my bouquet, so I really hope the tradition doesn't stand true. I'd like to see her wait a little longer ;). The tradition did ring true for Parker! One of his groomsmen, Travis, caught the garter, and he married Michelle 6 months later. 

After a little more dancing, it was time to go! We had a great time and will treasure our reception forever, but I must say we were happy campers to be heading off to our honeymoon. Thanks for the memories everyone!

And they lived happily ever after...

If you made it through all that, you're a champ! :)