A Little Bit of Texas in Florida | Anchors Aweigh


March 18, 2013

A Little Bit of Texas in Florida

This weekend could not have come fast enough. Parker didn't get home till about 10:00 pm each evening this past week, so I was so ready to have my husband back! There is only so much girl time Jenny and I can enjoy before we are ready to have the man in our lives back. Thus, Friday night was a much needed date night. We got all cutsied up and headed downtown for a nice dinner at Carrabbas (gotta love gift cards!). It was a perfect little date night.

Saturday we were so excited because Parker's parents (Tim & Leigh) drove down for a little getaway to Pensacola! They visited back in August, and we were beyond thrilled for them to come back. When you live so far away, having family visit is just about the coolest thing ever. We tried out a local seafood restaurant and watched Life of Pi (thought I would hate it, ended up loving it). This picture is about as festive as we got in honor of St. Patrick's Day.

That's a green hush puppy. I know I know, we really need to slow down. Sunday we spent the morning catching up and enjoying family time. Jenny is the hostess with the mostest, so she lent her body as a backrest for Leigh. How thoughtful!

Parker needed to study that day, so I headed down to Pensacola beach with Tim and Leigh. Their good family friends have an amazing condo down there. We had a low-key day of hanging out and lounging at the beach...perfection. I say this all the time, but I hit the in-law jackpot, so I had the best time just catching up with them while we waited on Parker to finish studying.

Parker drove down in time for a delicious seafood dinner, and I watched the sunset with a glass of wine in hand and this view.

It was another amazing weekend that went by all too quickly!

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