Happy Birthday Dad! | Anchors Aweigh


March 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today my Dad turns the big 49! Although I can't be home for his birthday this year, I thought I would take this chance to blog about how special I think my Dad is.

My Dad and I have always had a neat relationship, and he has always been a huge role model in my life. I have never met anyone who works harder for the people they love, and I hope I can show the same dedication to my family one day. One of the things I am most grateful for in life is our friendship. He is always a Dad when I need him to be, but now that I am all grown up, he is one of my best friends. I can't thank God enough for that!

They say you marry someone with similar values and morals as your Dad, and that definitely held true for me. Obviously Parker and my Dad are different people, but I found in Parker the same dedication, devotion, morals, and work ethic that I grew up seeing in my Dad. I had really high expectations for the man I would marry because of the Dad I grew up with, and I thank God every day for bringing me someone like Parker. I lucked out in the husband department and didn't do anything to deserve the amazing life I have.

So today, I am thanking you for being a role model, a man of God, a Dad, and a best friend. I love you Dad!


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