Happy Texas Independence Day, Yall! | Anchors Aweigh


March 4, 2013

Happy Texas Independence Day, Yall!

Saturday was Texas Independence Day! I can't lie, I would have never known had it not been all over Facebook. I guess I should have listened better in 8th grade Texas history. Anyway, Ryan Corridan had a bunch of us over to celebrate the greatest state on earth...


I think that map is so funny, and that really is how some Texans view their state compared to other states. Ryan had a fire going when we arrived, and thank goodness, because it was freezing outside.

Now that we don't have Aggie football get-togethers every weekend, we have to find other excuses to all get together, and I am glad we had a good reason Saturday. It's always so fun seeing everyone. We did s'mores in the fire (the little kid in me was going nuts with excitement) and all just hung out and talked. Another thing definitely worth mentioning: Ryan created a "Texas" playlist specifically for the occasion. The obvious artists like George Strait were included, but every once in a while a rap song came on that sounded nothing like Texas. Ryan was able to justify it every time by proving that the artist was from Texas. This kid knows his music. 

It'd been a while since the girls all got together and had girl talk, so Maggie, Allison, and I all sat in our little corner and talked all night while the boys did their thing. Ahhh, perfection.

It was a great day to be from Texas, but let's be honest: every day is a great day to be from Texas! :)

1 comment :

  1. So much fun! And lesbehonest, I'd go purely for the s'mores.


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