It's All In The Details | Anchors Aweigh


March 21, 2013

It's All In The Details

I think the details in a wedding are what make the wedding your own. Every bride wears a dress, every groom has an interesting cake, and every bridesmaid wears a dress she normally would not have picked out herself. Little details like colors, songs, and toasts are what I get most excited about when I go to a wedding. Today I thought I'd share some of the special little details that were a part of our wedding.

Shoes- I wore white cowboy boots instead of the traditional heels. My dad picked them out for me to wear on my wedding day, and that made it really special for me. I know I will treasure these boots forever! (side note- although I loved them and wouldn't have changed them for the world, it sure was hot wearing those babies in the middle of the Texas summer!)

Bouquet- My bouquet was comprised of cream-colored roses, the Delta Gamma flower. I also had a single yellow rose placed in the bouquet. This was special to me because Parker handed me a single yellow rose when he proposed. You can read that story here. I also had my mother's handkerchief wrapped around the bouquet. I absolutely LOVED my bouquet!

Goblets- The goblets Parker and I used for the toasts are my Nana's. My mom, aunt, and sister all used them in their wedding as well. (side note- those things were really hard to drink from elegantly because they are so large, so it became project "don't spill all over your dress"... thankfully, I didn't!)

The Cakes: I was going for simple elegance with my cake, and I love the way it turned out! Parker originally wanted senior boots on the top of his cake to signify his four years in the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M, but we couldn't find that anywhere. He ended up having chocolate covered strawberries and little chocolate medallions engraved with the Texas A&M University seal. We loved it! (side note- I learned that on your wedding day, you really don't get to eat your cakes. To say I was disappointed was an understatement, but hopefully everyone else enjoyed them!)

Dresses- My favorite color combination is navy and white (I guess I was meant to be a Navy wife), so I chose simple Navy dresses for my bridesmaids. They had pockets, which I am all about, and I loved the simple, elegant look. I was also going for something they could hopefully wear again, but let's be honest, do these things ever get worn again? I loved wearing my dress and never wanted to take it off! It's a shame you only get to wear it once.

Aggie Rings- Parker and I are both very proud to be Aggies, so we loved getting to wear our Aggie rings on our wedding day. Fun fact: Parker actually wore the Aggie ring of one of his groomsmen, Travis. He had lost his Aggie ring on a river trip with his buddies a couple of months before, and the replacement still had not come in. When Parker and I joined hands at the altar, I felt the ring and gave him a questioning look. He grinned and quietly told me it belonged to Travis. I smiled to myself because Parker is such a die-hard Aggie that he was going to wear that ring one way or another. Thanks Travis for letting him borrow yours!

Guest Book Table- We displayed a few engagement pictures and a small bridal shot at the entry table with the guestbook. A couple of days before the wedding, we were at Nana's house, and Mom came in with an old picture of me as a kid and asked if we could put it on the table. At that point I was so done making decisions, so I said of course. (Fun fact, we are 95% sure that is actually me in the childhood photograph. Nobody could tell for sure if it was me or Danielle, soooo we all took a vote and decided this one looked more like me. Twin problems.)

Unity Candle- Our unity candle was really special to us because it is the same unity candle that Parker's parents, aunts/uncles, and grandparents used. I loved that we got to use it and hope our children can one day use it as well.

Napkins- we ordered personalized napkins for the occasion with our names and wedding date. They were navy and white and I found them quite adorable. We probably still have 50 sitting in our kitchen, and I have no idea what to do with them. They are too pretty to use and I can't throw them away, so I am hoarding them away in a kitchen drawer.

Runway: My family friend Donna is one of the most artistic people you will ever meet. She is Nana's best friend and has been a fixture in my life since I was born. She was our florist and also provided so many ideas and a ton of artistic direction for our wedding. She and her daughter made me a monogrammed runway to walk down the aisle on. It was beautiful and I absolutely loved it!!

So there you have it: a few things that made our wedding ours! :)


  1. Agreed, the smaller details of a wedding are the best. Your cakes were gorgeous and it's so nice that you have so many things that we were passed down from your family :)

  2. I love all of your wedding pics! So pretty! :)

  3. It's all so cute!! I love the color of the bridesmaid dresses and the napkins are adorable!!


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