Our Wednesday Night Obsession | Anchors Aweigh


March 27, 2013

Our Wednesday Night Obsession

Parker and I get so excited for Wednesday nights at 7 pm. We don't go anywhere fancy or have a special meal, but Wednesday night is easily our favorite weeknight, and here's why...

SURVIVOR! They are currently on their 26th season, and I have watched all but one or two. I think I missed a couple in college, but I have always absolutely loved this show. Parker didn't watch it much until we got married, but now he's hooked. Winning! It's a little ridiculous to think I was 11 years old when Richard Hatch won season 1 and I am still addicted to the show, but it's true. Parker and I get so giddy when it's on and get into laughing fits over some of the things these contestants do and say.

We like to talk about how we would play if we were on Survivor. We both think we would get voted off first- me because I think I would say something awkward to my tribe and thus begin my isolation, and him because he cannot tell a lie (a quality I admire). For some reason the chemistry between 20 Americans who are starving, cold/hot, and from all different walks of life is perfection. We get so excited for every season, and it never disappoints.

It's not glamorous or even very cool, but this is our favorite Wednesday night activity and we love it! :)

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