Wine Tasting | Anchors Aweigh


March 5, 2013

Wine Tasting

Our friends Rodney and Allison invited us to go wine tasting with them Friday night, and we were all over the idea. We really could not know less about wine if we tried, but we thought this would be a great chance to up our sophistication rating and do something different on a Friday night. So off we went to Wine World in Pensacola to taste the grapes!

The way the wine tasting works is you get 10 glasses of 10 different wines to try. I felt tipsy just at the mention of 10 glasses, but they weren't even halfway full (whew!). There were 4 white wines, a rose wine, and 5 red wines. Parker and I are more red wine people, so I was looking forward to those. The whites were really good too though! Here is what we tried, in order of appearance:

1. Jean Luc Columbo CDR Blanc
2. Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc
3. Oyster Bay Chardonnay
4. Three Wise Men Chardonnay
5. Jean Luc Columbo  Rose
7. Jean Luc Columbo Rouge
(Parker and I are really feeling it at this point...Rodney and Allison are pros and feeling fine.)
8. Antinori Santa Cristina Rosso
9. Hands Hot to Trot Red
10. Roscato Rosso (very sweet dessert wine that was only about 7% liver thanks you)

If those names meant anything to you, I applaud you. Parker and I like wine, but we don't drink it very often, so Friday night was definitely educational! They gave us a list of the wines we were trying for the evening, and Parker used his as a checklist and made sure to mark off each wine we tried. I appreciate his thoroughness though because I would have never been able to remember the order/names had he not been the only one at Wine World to keep a checklist.

I could tell the difference between all of the white wines, but by the time we got to the reds, they were all starting to taste the same. I am going to blame that on the fact that the reds were glasses 6-10. Rodney and Allison knew so much about all the different wines, so Parker and I were the annoying couple that asked 20 questions about each glass. Apologies. We had so much fun though!

The farther along we got in the wine tasting, the funnier the below video got. Parker discovered this little gem a couple of days ago, and I just had to show Allison when she said she hadn't seen it. We were all cracking up! I dare you not to laugh:

After 10 glasses, the four of us walked over to Macaroni Grill to meet Doug and Michelle for dinner. We hadn't seen them in a month, so it was awesome catching up! Our waiter was even from Texas! When you've lived in Florida for so long, that kind of thing gets you very excited. Needless to say, it was a great Friday night!


  1. I thought I posted a comment earlier but apparently not. That video is HILARIOUS and I just got on here again to show Ryan! So funny and the wine tasting looked fun :) Also, Allison cut her hair and it looks cute!

  2. Hahaha is that not the funniest video ever?! Parker and I watched it again yesterday and were still cracking up. Glad yall got a kick out of it and come back so you can go wine tasting with us!


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