Guys, Girls, and Pups | Anchors Aweigh


April 22, 2013

Guys, Girls, and Pups

You know those times when you feel like you need a weekend to recover from your weekend? That was this weekend, but in a good way of course. We only have one more weekend before we are out of here, so we are really trying to make the most of them.

We had been wanting to go wine tasting again before we left, so off we went with the Wagstaffs to sample the flavors. It was delicious and fun and of course I was feeling it way before anyone else. It happens. The four of us met Chris and Maggie for dinner at our favorite sushi hub, Kappa. I am going to miss that place! Parker has had enough sushi to last him a few years and isn't shedding tears that it was our last time there. I had so much fun catching up with the girls at dinner and talking about all the things that boys cringe at the mention of. We laughed because with three couples, you either all sit next to your significant other, or you split up so the girls can chat and the boys don't have to listen to it. We chose the latter with no hesitation, and it was a blast! The boys had a great evening as well talking about planes, planes, and more planes.

Saturday Rodney and Allison had a great idea of renting a pontoon boat for the day and taking the pups. Parker and I were a little nervous because Jenny and Misty LOVE to play, and we weren't sure how that would go on a boat. The pups did wonderfully and completely shut out any reservations we initially had. Troy and another sweet couple Mandy and Caleb came too, and it was such a fun, relaxing afternoon out on the river.

Jenny was so excited when we got in the car. She knows when all three of us are in the car together, something really fun is going to happen. She is going to need to slightly alter her expectations when we get in the car for a 9 hour move to Texas in 2 weeks.

Captain Jenny loved driving the boat.

Actually, she was not impressed.

How cute are these two?!

Sunday evening was muster, and I'll do a separate post on that later in the week. It was such a great weekend! One more weekend till we are officially Kingsville residents!

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