Jets | Anchors Aweigh


April 12, 2013


The verdict is in! Parker is going to fly jets, and we are moving to Kingsville, Tx in May for him to learn to fly the T-45. Parker's selection was yesterday afternoon, and to say we were excited is the understatement of the year. This selection has been a long time coming, and we knew it was going to be a huge blessing regardless.

I woke up bright and early Thursday morning because I was too excited to sleep. I told Parker I couldn't sleep because the big day was finally here, and he rolled over and mumbled "You're not even selecting" and went back to sleep. Typical. Don't get me wrong though, he was excited too! I was antsy all day and had little butterflies as the selection got closer. I really haven't been so excited about something since our wedding day, but I got those same jittery feelings all over again.

Eight other people selected with Parker.

In a nutshell, selection works like this: you are given four cups with the different planes you could fly written on the bottom of each one (jets, rotary, maritime, etc). The selectors give a toast, flip a cup over to read what it says, and then ask the instructor if that's what they're flying. Their first toast is always to the Red Knights (their squadron), and Parker's second and third toasts were to the wives and to the instructors. Sorry Jenny, I'm sure you would have been fourth. Parker picked up the jets cup third, so he gave three toasts.

When Parker picked up the cup that said jets, I think I stopped breathing for a second. Jets is what Parker has wanted since we got here, so I really wanted it for him. Hearing the instructor say "yes" to jets was so surreal. All the hard work had paid off, and Parker is going to get to live out this dream. This little Navy wife couldn't ask for anything more!

Troy also selected in his squadron and got helos! I am so glad we were in Pensacola at the same time and selfishly wish he was coming to Kingsville, but we are so excited he got what he wanted and is going to fly helicopters!

Jets is already wonderful news in itself, and the fact that we are going to Kingsville is the icing on the cake. We are moving back to TEXAS! Gosh we could not be more excited! We of course went to Chili's after the selection and spent the whole time talking about all the little weekend trips we can take and planning for our future in Kingsville. We will only be 4 hours away from College Station and 4.5 hours away from my family. We are still pretty far away from Parker's family, but thankfully we will be able to meet halfway in College Station for fightin' Texas Aggie football games. The idea of seeing our families more than twice a year is beyond exciting.

We are so thankful for everyone who has loved and supported us throughout this journey! We could not feel more blessed in the life God has given us. Here's to a new chapter!


  1. Congratulations! Excited y'all will be headed back to Texas!

  2. Omg I could not love this post anymore! I read it out loud to Bruce and Ryan so they could be in the loop. We are so excited for this next chapter for you guys and we were so lucky to live in Pensacola/Milton together. This next chapter for y'all is going to be great and you actually get to go to Aggie football games (we are so jelly)!

    Love you guys! To the Red Knights!

  3. Yay... so happy for yall..

  4. It is so exciting to know you're headed back to the Lone Star State! Can't wait to see you in your Kingsville home! We're so proud of you, Parker, and so happy you got what you wanted! We love you guys sooooo much!

  5. That is too exciting that you're able to move back home, even if it is for a little bit.. I'm jealous of some of our friends we made in Virgnia who are moving to Corpus for flight school, and wish that Marshall's MOS would have let us go there for school too! Though livng in California isn't too bad..ha! So excited for you though - It is such a blessing to be close to family again! Enoy it while it lasts!!! (Also glad to meet another Aggie milso blogger!)

    ~Katherine Newsom

  6. How cool! My husband was the instructor on the T-45 back in the late 90s! Now he is a commercial pilot. Such a small little world.


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