Last Weekend in Pensacola | Anchors Aweigh


April 29, 2013

Last Weekend in Pensacola

Well, that happened fast! Our last weekend in the sunshine state has come and gone, but it was a good one! Our friend Rodney got his wings of gold Friday, so we headed out to The Oar House Friday night to celebrate. None of us had ever been to The Oar House, but it was a neat place! Too bad we discovered it so late in the game. We spent the evening chatting it up with our sweet friends and unwinding from the long week. (Apologies in advance for all the iPhone quality pictures. It's a little obnoxious to lug the DLSR around everywhere we go, so we settle for the phone).

This was our view during dinner. I know I know, we have it so rough.

Saturday Parker got up bright and early to play golf, so my friend Maggie and I decided to do a little shopping since her significant other was busy too. When the boys are away, the girls will spend their money. Is that not how the saying goes? We got to chat about her upcoming wedding and each scored some cute housewares. Parker glared at me when I told him I bought another picture frame. I told Maggie I could have bought five shirts and he would have said "Great!", but buying something for the house when we are moving is silly and I knew that. It was a really cute frame though, in my self-defense.

We all met up at the Wagstaff's for a party to celebrate Rodney's winging Saturday afternoon. Allison did a great job hosting and I was a good little guest and ate everything so she wouldn't have many leftovers.
Here is a pic of all of the girls!

Misty was the hostess with the mostest and always made sure everyone was having a good time.

Our friend Jimmy was in town for Rodney's winging, and it was so good to see him again. I missed my brother from another mother!

Sunday we attended Harvest Pensacola Church for the last time, ran a few errands around Pensacola, and hung out with our sweet furball.

 4 days left in Florida! Here we gooooo!

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