Weekend Wrap-Up | Anchors Aweigh


April 8, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

Yet another weekend has gone by all too quickly, but what else is new? We had a perfect mix of productivity and relaxation, which is always our goal with the weekends. Friday night Parker got home after his last flight in the T-6 (more to come on that tomorrow), so we were ready to get out of the house and celebrate! Parker brought me a cookie home from Mobile where he had flown that day...too sweet! Some husbands bring their wives flowers, others bring cookies. I'd say Parker knows his audience. This girl was a happy camper!

Luckily our friend Ryan had a late flight that evening too, so the three of us met at Chili's (where else?!) for a late dinner. James and Drew met us a little later for dessert and I later waddled on home 5 lbs larger. It's the weekend, so it doesn't count, right? Right.

Side note: One of the highlights of my weekend was getting to Facetime with these two. Danielle and Whitney were having a girls day and I was trying to live vicariously from 4 states away.

Saturday Parker had a mandatory event on base, so Jenny and I decided to make a day of it and tag along. While he went to his event, we took a scenic walk around base. We walked to a pond and had the best time exploring and smelling everything! Okay, that was mostly her, but I loved watching her get so excited about being in a new place. I stayed there around an hour and came back with a very tired pup. Successful day for sure.

We met up with some friends on a boat at Whiting Park Saturday afternoon and had a blast. Love being out on the water on gorgeous weather days! 

Sunday we did our normal Sunday thing, and the Wagstaffs came over for dinner and a little pupper play date! Jenny was on cloud nine when her friend Misty got here. Jenny's absolute favorite thing is playing with other dogs, followed by nature walks in cool places. I think Parker and I probably come in a solid third on her list of likes, but we could be farther down. How cute are these two though?!

Happy Monday!

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