You Go Blue Wahoos | Anchors Aweigh


April 19, 2013

You Go Blue Wahoos

Yes, I was channeling "You go Glen CoCo" in the title of this post. Mean Girls anyone? Yesterday afternoon the realtor who is selling our house called me and offered us Blue Wahoo tickets for the baseball game that evening. She had season tickets but couldn't make it. Free tickets? Sure! We were planning on going to Buffalo Wild Wings anyway that night since we had a gift card we needed to use before we move to the land where restaurant chains are nonexistent, so we had a nice little impromptu date night for free.

I'm not the biggest baseball person, but I had so much fun! Parker loves baseball and of course had a blast. He bought a Blue Wahoos hat last year when we got down to Pensacola (we were trying to be good Pensacolians! Yeah, seriously doubt that's a word.), but that hat has been worn all of twice and he didn't want to wear it to last night's game. To make it feel like less of a waste of money, I wore the silly thing all night. It was about two sizes two large for my head, but oh well!

Parker bought us M&Ms for sustenance.  He knows how to keep this girl happy!

Our seats were really good! I think baseball is much more enjoyable if you are close enough to see everything, but that goes for any sport I guess. Regardless- great seats :)

The 8th inning was so. good. The Blue Wahoos got 8 runs in one inning, and everyone was going nuts! So exciting and fun to watch!

The Blue Wahoos won 10-2 against the Jacksonville Suns. It was a great game! Of note, there was a group of really funny Marines in front of us, and at one point two of them figured out they were dating the same girl. Soooo funny. I mean it was probably awkward for them, but as a spectator, hilarious. It was straight out of the movie This Means War. We also sat next to a recently retired Navy jet pilot who was the XO at NAS Pensacola and his wife. They couldn't have been nicer to us, and I loved loved loved talking to his wife. She gave me some great advice from one Navy wife to another, and I loved hearing her stories. Parker and I had an absolute blast on this surprise date night!

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