Sea World | Anchors Aweigh


May 21, 2013

Sea World

I get excited about all aspects of vacations- unplugging, husband/wife togetherness, food comas, you name it. Combine all those things with Sea World, and life just got perfect. Parker and I were so pumped for Sea World Sunday and couldn't wait to act like little kids around all the attractions. We are big animal lovers too, so this was our cup of tea. Here's our day, in picture form of course!

Ready to go!

The first show we watched was Cannery Row Caper, and Parker and I have decided we want need a pet sea lion. I mean seriously, just look how cute these babies are!

Just seeing these two blubbery things was enough for us to fall in love...

And then one started doing push-ups...

And then they became detectives with their magnifying glasses...

And then one gave a kiss... and we died. Too much cuteness!

But wait, there's more. The walrus made his grand entrance...

 And then started doing sit-ups because he was feeling large and in charge. And we died of cuteness all over again.

Too much, right? We also saw the main attraction, Shamu, at the show One Ocean. It was really neat to see Shamu, but coming off of the adorable sea lions, it was slightly underwhelming.

Our last show was Azul, and who doesn't love dolphins and beluga whales?!

We rode most of the rides (Yall, there were NO lines! We literally just hopped onto each ride whenever we felt like it. Amazing). Last but not least, we fed the ducks! I was probably a little more excited about this than I should have been.

We loved talking about bringing future little Phelplets to Sea World one day. It was so kid-friendly and I know my parents took me when I was little. Fun to think about, but Sea World is a blast even without little ones! I highly recommend! San Antonio was a perfect weekend getaway, and we got to cross something off our Kingsville Bucket List :).


  1. I see Parker is reppin' his Go Wifi attire...I'm not mad at it! Glad you guys enjoyed the greatest city to ever exist..ever. Too much?

  2. SeaWorld looks so cool!!!

  3. Looks like so much fun!!! I want to go someday so badly! :-)

  4. Oh, I miss Sea World! And just San Antonio in general..we LOVE that city! One of my favorites is the mexican markets on the weekend - the food is the best I have ever had! Hope yall are having a blast!


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