Unplugging | Anchors Aweigh


May 28, 2013


This weekend was all about unplugging from the real world and escaping reality for a few days. We spent the weekend at my aunt and uncle's ranch house, and it was just what the doctor ordered. We had no Internet or cell service, so we got to completely immerse ourselves in this:

 So beautiful. Nature pup was in heaven!

My twin sister and her husband came down, and it's always good to be reunited with your look-a-like! We were very happy twins, and our pups were equally excited to see each other.

We spent time with my grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins doing nothing and everything. The boys shot guns until their hearts were content, we all hiked and swam, and the dogs wrestled like it was going out of style. Oh, and we all came back about 5 lbs larger, but since it was a mini-vacation, that was implied.

There is something so wonderful about "unplugging" from the rest of the world. I couldn't waste time on Facebook or send texts, so I was forced to just enjoy the beauty around me. I am so thankful we got this little weekend away to simply relax. A lot of our vacations are go-go-go because we want to make sure we see and do everything, so chilling out all weekend was a welcome change.

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! Anyone do anything exciting?!


  1. Hi. I'm a new fan from Link Up Tuesday's Blog Hop.


  2. What a wonderful weekend! :-) Unplugging is always such a wonderful thing to do! :-)

  3. I'm jealous of this trip! Being forced to go without internet and phone sounds perfect! Looks like such a fun time!

  4. I'm visiting from the linkup and I can already tell I'm going to like this blog! Can't wait to read more about you :)

  5. Looks like you had a great weekend! About the photo with you and your sister, did you both plan to wear Delta Gamma shirts or was that just a coincidence?

  6. So nice to get away with no technology, huh! Hope you had a nice weekend away. Thanks for stopping by on my blog, I'm a new follower too :)

  7. Gotta love getting away from technology! I almost did that - bare minimum cell connection - in the central Maine woods this past weekend.

    I found you from the GFC linkup, and I'm looking forward to reading more! LITB!



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