Fredericksburg | Anchors Aweigh


June 25, 2013


Parker and I decided to take a little anniversary getaway these weekend in honor of being married two whole years tomorrow! We'll use any excuse for a vacation, but this one happened to actually be legitimate. We have been to Fredericksburg once before and have been itching to go back ever since. It's such a cute, quaint little German town with wineries, museums, hiking, shopping, and awesome restaurants. Thankfully we did all the museum stuff last time (I'd love to say I am a history buff who enjoys museums, but I make an effort not to lie on the blog), so this trip was really laid back and fun.

Friday night we enjoyed a German dinner and knock your socks off ice cream. The dinner was fine. The ice cream deserves a gold medal. We treated ourselves to cones at Clear River Ice Cream Bakery Deli (that was a mouthful) both Friday night and Sunday morning. If you ever make it down there, try the Salted Caramel. It was probably the best ice cream I have ever had, and I am no stranger to the frozen sweets section.

After sleeping almost 11 hours, we headed off to climb the ever so famous Enchanted Rock. The entire rock is made of granite, and we had fun picking out which part we would want to be our kitchen counter. We were counting on the hike being more of an all day thing, but it was actually really quick. A short 20 minute trek later, and we were at the top. The views were gorgeous!

That would have been a great place for a picnic, so next time we will definitely pack a lunch. There were so many families hiking together, and it was fun talking about bringing future kiddos. Enchanted Rock for the win!

We had a nice little baja dinner that we weren't really hungry for due to the copious amounts of sampling we did in one of the shops we perused. 

I would love to say we did something cool afterwards, but we marched our little hineys to Redbox, bought a pint of ice cream, and vegged out in the hotel. This trip was different from most we take in that it was actually really relaxing. Most trips are go go go so we can see and do everything, but this little getaway was a chance to unwind and just enjoy each other. We were blessed to get to go and celebrate two years of wedded bliss!


  1. Looks like tons of fun for you two fun-loving adventurers! Would have loved climbing on the rocks!! Are you ever too old for that?? Happy anniversary!!

  2. Congratulations and happy anniversary! Y'all are adorable. Glad y'all got to spend time together and enjoy each other.

  3. Happy anniversary! I LOVE Fredricksburg (our ranch is between F-town and Mason, so we spent a lot of time there). Enchanted Rock is super fun! I'm so jealous :)

  4. Looks like fun! Happy anniversary to you both!

  5. You two are so cute! Happy Anniversary!

  6. This trip looks like so much fun, and the Enchanted Rock looks GREAT! I love hikes that lead to somewhere pretty! Congrats on your two year anniversary!


  7. I went to Enchanted Rock when I was in middle school, and I have been itching to go back ever since. I love going to Fredricksburg :) there is some amazing antique shopping out there.

  8. Well obviously I love this more than words. Especially the picture of Parker jumping that had me laughing outloud. And you're not hungry for baja tacos? Send them this way! Glad you lovebirds had fun. #twoyearsseriouslyfliesby. Love you guys!

  9. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you guys had a perfect little getaway! :-)

  10. Happy Anniversary!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Happy anniversary!! I hope you had a great time! Y'all are so stinkin cute. Thank you again for posting on my blog today. I absolutely LOVE it! I'm glad that I will never be able to tell you and your sister apart. :)

  12. Happy anniversary!!! What a wonderful getaway with your love. :-)

  13. Yay for a great relaxing getaway.

  14. Emily, I am glad you appreciate my elite cheer level toe touch ... I had been working on it for weeks and wanted to impress Chelsea. That picture isn't photoshopped... I really did that.

  15. Happy anniversary! It looks like you had a great time celebrating and visiting Fredericksburg.

  16. Loving this trip! So relaxing, we are always the 'go, go, go' travelers! Happy two years too! And I love the picture of you 'falling' on the rock! Too funny!

  17. Are you in Austin? I'm an Austin blogger. I recognized Enchanted Rock.

  18. Oh, I miss Enchanted Rock! That's one of my husband's favorite places to go, and while we were road-tripping across the state last fall he had to take me there. We camped out that night - it gets freezing! Be sure to take blankets if you do that! Fredericksburg is so much fun, can't wait until we're back home and can go back!


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