High Five For Friday | Anchors Aweigh


June 7, 2013

High Five For Friday

It's Friday, and I'm giving you all a virtual high five. There is just nothing like Friday at 5:00 and I know we are all watching that clock. Here's what made my top 5:

1. This little sister graduated from High School! This was so surreal for me because she is our baby sister, but I could not be prouder of her! She will attend Texas A&M in the fall just like my sisters and me. That's 4 for 4! Whoop!

2. I am excited to say I ran every day this week, and I have some lovely tan lines to prove it. National running day was apparently this week, so this seemed fitting.

3. Parker's birthday presents came in, and I was so excited to wrap them. If you follow me on Instagram, you saw this little poem I wrote. If I don't write a post Monday it's because I've been discovered as the next great poet.

4. We have a resident cat that likes to hang out under my car during the day. I was petting him as Parker watched from the window (poor guy is allergic), and I motioned to Parker that he might be thirsty since it's hotter than the sun in Kingsville. The next thing I new, out walks Parker with a bowl of milk for out little feline friend. I have no idea why, but seeing Parker walk out with milk like it was his mission was hysterical to me. I also laughed because I had cats growing up, and not once did we give them milk. However to Parker, this was the appropriate choice.

5. Jenny had a play date with one of her BFFs Louie, and they both crouched in the grass waiting for the other to make the first move. Hysterical.

I'm linking up with Lauren and Lindsey

Have a great weekend!!


  1. Congratulations to your sister! And that's so funny that Parker brought out milk for that cat. I've had cats my whole life, and we've never fed them milk!


  2. Yeah for your sister graduating! And I love the poem on your gift, you're definitely going to have to publish that one! Stopping by from Friday Favs, have a great weekend!

  3. A big congrats to your "baby" sister. :-)


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