High Five For Friday | Anchors Aweigh


June 27, 2013

High Five For Friday

Another Friday is upon us (fist pump!) and I know we're all watching that clock waiting for 5:00. This has been a pretty awesome week for our little family. Here's what made our top 5:

1. We celebrated our second wedding anniversary on June 26th. Who says you can only eat cake on your one year anniversary? ;)

2. We are getting a new brother-in-law! Parker's sister got engaged this past weekend, and we are so excited for them!

3. I have been doing emergency procedure flashcards every night with Parker for flight school, and he stands there and bounces a tennis ball the entire time to practice spouting off the answers while distracted. Cutie.

4. It can't be a top 5 without somehow including my best girlfriend. Walks with little Jenny every day are so much fun.

5. It's Friday, and my lovely mother's birthday is this weekend. Winning!

What made your top 5 this week?


  1. Sounds like a wonderful week:) My dad was in the Air Force and flew F-16s! It's fun because I know what you are talking about! Have a blessed weekend!!

  2. Parker playing with the tennis racket bahaha..that's actually a really smart idea. Love this! Have a great weekend :)

  3. It sounds like you had a great week! Your pup is too cute... and have a great time visiting with your family! :)


  4. I nominated you for a Liebster Award!! :) Check out the deets at my blog:


    Have a great weekend!!

  5. Woohoo! Yay for an awesome week! :-)

  6. It looks like you had a great weekend! Engagements are just so exciting!

  7. Congrats to your brother! And I hope you had a wonderful anniversary! Sounds like a pretty good week!

  8. Happy birthday to your mom! Have a great weekend.

  9. Yeah for Friday!! And happy anniversary!

  10. Happy belated Anniversary!! You two are the cutest!
    And Jenny is beautiful! I bet walks are SO great with her!

  11. What a pretty pup!

    Congratulations to Parker's sister. :)


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