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June 10, 2013


I flew home to Dallas this past weekend for my baby sister's graduation luncheon. Yall, it was one of the best weekends I have had in a long time. I got in the car and immediately set all my favorite radio stations from growing up, I drove by my old high school, I passed the neighborhood I used to run through, and I passed the tennis courts I spent countless hours playing on. Talk about nostalgia overload! My mom and sisters were all up there, and I got to stay in the house that embodies that home feeling for me. We've moved several times and have several places we call home, but my grandparents' house has been the same my whole life. This is the epitome of home:

I think not getting to come home very often makes it all the more special. Rarely ever are we all together anymore, so this weekend was extra special. The graduation luncheon was all fancy pants at The Mansion, so it was fun getting a little dressed up with everyone.

I really think my sisters and I could all pass as quadruplets. Not much gene variation going on over here!

We are so proud of our little graduate! Texas A&M in the fall for this girl! I also had to get a picture with one of my favorite people on the planet and the woman that made it all happen- the Nana.

We filled our bellies and laughed the entire meal. Ah, perfection. A good weekend has to include good food of course. Honestly though, I would have been just as happy sitting around the living room in my sweatpants swapping stories all weekend. My heart was so full being with so many people that I love. I missed Parker and little Jenny while they manned the fort back home, but this weekend was such a blessing. Danielle and I capped it off with a little twin sleepover. It really doesn't get much better than that for us.

I hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. What even is gene variation in the Benner household?! It simply doesn't exist. I love this post though and there is nothing better than being home. Congrats to your sister as well on graduating and going to the best university in.the.world. Whoop! :)

  2. You guys do look a like. I love these photos. I hope you guys are having a great Monday!

  3. Looks like a fun weekend, I love your outfit!
    Stopping by from Mingle Monday

  4. You and your sisters definitely look alike! Sister bonding time is the best! My sister and I live 6 hours away now, so I know what you mean when you appreciate the time you get to spend time with them. Glad you had a great weekend!

  5. Super cute outfits! Looks like fun!

  6. You all look alike! Looks like you had a fun weekend :)

  7. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time! You girls are all so gorgeous! :-)

  8. Wow - y'all do look alike! My little sister just turned 20 and it's totally weird! I remember when she went to college and it was downright shocking for me.


  9. Wow! You could be quadruplets! How far apart are you all??! Glad you had a good weekend!

  10. A memorable weekend to cherish...one I'll never forget!! :)

  11. Aw you guys do look so much alike. Nothing better than going home and seeing family. I bet you really cherish it since your husband is in the Navy!


  12. Looks like y'all had a great time, and Whoop for Texas A&M! I graduated in 2011 :)

    I'm a new follower from the GFC Lovin Blog Hop



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