Oh Hey Washington | Anchors Aweigh


June 18, 2013

Oh Hey Washington

As you are reading this, I am flying 2,000+ miles to Washington for a business trip. I've never been, so I am excited to check it out see the different bases we could potentially be stationed on one day. When I think of Washington, I think of this:


Perhaps this is slightly more picturesque than my views will be, but a girl can dream! I always jam-pack these trips so I have to be away from Parker and Jenny as little as possible, but I am looking forward to the next three days in a new state. Plus, now I get to add a pink star to Washington on our world map. I know this is a silly reason to be excited to travel, but it's fun seeing more and more stars on our map as time goes on!

Parker and I see this as a scouting trip to see if we would want to live here. When our time in Kingsville is over in a year, we could put Whidbey Island, WA at the top of our list and potentially end up there. This trip will likely determine if that happens or not, so I am taking good notes and can't wait to share my experience with Parker. We were talking about it this weekend and got so giddy with excitement. The next place we move will God willing be the first place we buy a house and the birthplace of our first child. Fun to think about! :)

I have a full week of posts lined up for you, so be sure to check back. Hope everyone has a fabulous week! I'll keep an eye out for Bill Gates and let you know if we become best friends and he decides to buy me a mansion. Apparently he's from Seattle, and I won't be too far from there, so it could happen, right? Again, a girl can dream!


  1. Whidbey is such a pretty area! Lots of outdoorsy things to do. The Farmer's Market is great, and there's a great art festival in August I think. I live near Bangor Sub Base, south of Whidbey and west of Seattle. Hope your trip goes well!

  2. Whidbey is definitely almost as picturesque as that photo, just in a different way. I miss WA like CRAZY, and I neeeever thought I'd say that!

  3. Looks beautiful! Have a great trip!

  4. I hear that Washington is beautiful, but it's definitely rainy! There is also LOTS of outdoorsy types of activities there as well :)

  5. What fun!! Where in Washington will you be. In the right place, that's TOTALLY what you'll see. Western Washington is gorgeous! It does rain all the time, so be warned. Eastern Washington, on the other hand, is a desert and is mostly dry and dusty. Yeah, not something you think of when you think of Washington. :-)

  6. Washington is beautiful! I have lived in Eastern Washington my entire life (nothing deserty about where I'm from) and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else! You'll love Whidbey Island! Enjoy your trip!

  7. Have a great trip! And a safe flight!

  8. Hi! I'm Janelle, and I found your blog while searching for military spouse blogs. I am marrying my Airman next year, and I'm really glad I found your blog! I can't wait to read more! Consider me your newest follower! :)

    Janelle -- http://janelle-and-dan.blogspot.com/

  9. We are stationed in Washington...but on the east part of the state next to Idaho and it is definately NOT that pretty lol. I love the west side/Seattle area though it is definately gorgeous over there!

  10. Very cool! I hope you have a great trip. I imagine Washington just like that picture! I've only ever been to Seattle.

  11. Washington is a gorgeous place! I go to a retreat there every year in the fall and I see colors in the trees I've never seen anywhere else.

    My favorite part...flying past Mr. Ranier. It's so amazing to see a mountain top just right outside your plane window!

    New follower from the link up!


  12. I LOVE Whidbey!

    My husband has been stationed there for the last two years. You can find more info about it on my blog or feel free to email me if you truly end up heading that way! :)


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