Establishing Mutual Trust With God | Anchors Aweigh


July 11, 2013

Establishing Mutual Trust With God

I have been thinking about different ways to write this post for a few weeks, and last weekend in church was exactly what I needed to hear. Our pastor spoke about going from slaves to friends. We start out as slaves to sin and then become slaves to righteousness when we are saved. But how do we go from slaves to friends of God?

"I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything I have learned from my Father I have made known to you." - John 15:15

Obedience. God calls those friends who obey His will and serve according to His purpose. It seems simple, right? Just listen when God asks something of you, and you're good. I have felt God testing my obedience on many occasions, and sometimes it seems so much easier to just ignore it. It's not always easy, but it pleases God so much when we obey. There have been a few instances where I have really felt God tugging on my heartstrings, and listening and obeying blessed my life so much.

A few months ago, a girl I went to high school with posted on Facebook that a bookshelf had fallen on her two year old son. It was such a heartbreaking story, and the doctors didn't know if he would live, let alone walk again (miraculously, he is alive and relearning how to walk). He had so many surgeries and was in the hospital for months. She was a single mother doing everything she could to help her baby and her older son at home. In one of her updates on his condition, she mentioned that gas money was tight from driving to and from the hospital so much after work, and my heart just broke for her. I instantly felt called to help, so I messaged her and asked for an address so I could send her a check. This is where I really felt God testing me. Immediately when I saw the update, I thought "I need to give her $200". I felt so convicted and was so sure this was the amount I was supposed to give. After a few hours, I began thinking that $200 was actually a lot of money, and maybe just $100 would do. That's still a lot and I knew it would still help, but God kept that $200 number on my heart. I realized that there had been very few times where I felt like God's instructions were clearer, so I mailed the check the next day. She needed that money more than I did, and for some reason, that is how much I was supposed to give. This is how I know God was testing me: I work in marketing and sales and receive commission at the end of each month. At the end of that month, I had the biggest month I had ever had. God paid me back in full and then some for simply obeying His request. Honestly, giving her that money felt so right, and I am so glad God called me to help. The fact that He gave it all back to me just shows how much He loves us and wants us to listen and obey.

There have been several other instances like this since Parker and I have been married. One was rescuing and finding a home for Darla, but each time God has rewarded us for obeying Him. It hasn't always been monetarily, and that's not what we're after here, but sometimes it is just the feeling I get after obeying. It's such a sense of satisfaction that I don't get from anything else.

The next time you feel God tugging on your heartstrings asking you to do something, I urge you to listen. It may not always be the easy thing to do, but I promise it's right. We are called to obey, and before we expect God to trust us, we need to trust Him.

I look at Parker and see the greatest blessing of my life. God has already proven His plan for me is so much greater than the plan I had for myself. That said, it's not always easy. Things don't always go the way that I want them to, but I trust that God has all situations in His control. Whatever you are struggling with today, let it go. Trust God with it, and watch the great things He will do in your life.


  1. Such a truthful and encouraging post! God is faithful:) Thanks for sharing- I needed this today!

  2. So cool how our posts aligned! I saw your comment on my blog and wanted to read your perspective too. Encouraging words :)


  3. Love this post. When you are sensitive to the holy spirit you just can't shake the conviction no matter how hard you try. I have had a few of those moments too not always with money but I love how God always takes care of my worries when I follow through with his commands. Being obedient to God doesn't only mean following his biblical commands but it also means listening when you hear his voice.Thank you for sharing this.

    The Word of A Nerd

  4. OH my OH my! I just happened to drop in by way of the Walk About link up and the first post I read just brought me to tears. I'm literally sitting here and sobbing over how selfless you are and how my heart breaks for that Mother. My son passed away at birth (full term) and while I didn't have financial burden, there weren't many people to support me. God surely broke the mold when he made you and you are INSPIRING!!!!!!

  5. Thank you for posting this! Sometimes, there are just things you need to see/read/hear... and this is one of them! :)


  6. I am sitting at my desk in tears. Thank you so much for this, I really needed to read it. This was written so beautifully and the message was even better. And then I realized why you're one of my favorite people :) Love you, friend!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing this. It was a reminder that I needed.

  8. You have grown into a beautiful, caring, spiritual woman and I am so proud that I can call you granddaughter. You are an inspiration and a true disciple of Christ. Love you bunches, Grandma Pat

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog last week! My husband is in the Marines!!! we are stationed in Hawaii! And my dad was Navy so I can relate. I admire your faith in Jesus and how you apply him to your life! Looking forward to more posts from you =)

  10. So true! All our plans our different and I think we learn to adjust to them as time goes on.

    Thank you for linking up with us at the collective blog hop. I love your blog. Liking you on everything. Hope you like me back! I would love to have ya!

  11. It's amazing how God is sovereignly behind each little situation of our lives. So much praise for the way he works all things to His glory!

  12. love, love, LOVE this post!
    Obedience...something i struggle with so often!
    There are times where i have really felt God tugging on my heart strings and i've responded, and other times when i've just turned and walked away. It breaks my heart when i think of the lives that could have been touched by God through me if i had only listened.
    Thanks for posting this & linking up! <3

  13. Thanks for sharing! I found your blog through the Frankly Friday link up. I'm so glad you linked up! Hope you enjoy your weekend :)

  14. I love that picture of you two!

  15. Such a moving post! I've always struggled with my beliefs, and this is something that I needed to read!


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