Free Friday | Anchors Aweigh


July 29, 2013

Free Friday

This Friday we did a little something different. Instead of the typical dinner and a movie date night that has become the Phelps Friday night norm, we decided to have a completely free Friday. No fancy dinner, no expensive movie, no ice cream stop. No money, just us. We munched on a casserole our sweet neighbors brought over, played board games, and watched a movie. Honestly, we can't remember the last time we had so much fun. I was in an oversized t-shirt with no make-up on, Parker was in athletic shorts and a t-shirt, and Jenny was rocking the birthday suit as usual. It was less than glamorous, but comfort is the name of the game over here. We also decided to get the camera out and take random pictures for no apparent reason at all.

Has anyone ever played cribbage? Parker taught me a few years ago, and it's our go-to game. It's complicated, but it's really fun!

The real low point was about the time cousin Itt/the long lost cast member of Duck Dynasty decided to make an appearance. You know how sometimes a couple thinks something is really funny but nobody else gets it, so you think "well at least they think it's funny since they're the ones that are together"? Well this was one of those times. At least we were amused!

Free Friday turned out to be a blast and something we hope to do at least once a month. It was a perfect way to relax and reconnect, and we didn't spend a dime. Yahtzee!


Alex said...

So cute! And I love playing cribbage! Random update: left Texas A&M to go home yesterday! Miss the school already!

Christiana Marie said...

That sounds awesome! Sometimes it's the most fun to just be together with no distractions:)

Megan @ From Megan, With Love said...

What a fun Friday! Some of my favorite nights are just sitting around, doing nothing at home with my favorite people.

Kirst Semler said...

Looks like so much fun! Free always seems to be the best way to go sometimes!

Janelle Cook said...

That sounds like a wonderful Friday night to me! Dan and I love playing board games and drinking wine... we are such old people! Those nights in usually turn into being more fun than going out -- glad you guys had a great time! :)


Hima Rajana said...

Sometimes it's nice to just relax! When I read the sentence about Jenny in her birthday suit, I got really confused for a second before I remembered that she was your dog :)

Love that last picture of you two!

Happily Ever Parker said...

Free Friday sounds perfect! Nothing like just hanging out and having fun!

Erica D said...

Cute photos! Thank you for stopping by my blog (Diary of a Trendaholic) and commenting and following. Looking forward to staying connected with you and reading some more of your posts :)

Susannah said...

Sounds like a wonderful night! Sometimes nights at home just enjoying one another are the best nights! :-)

Lindley @ The Grinning Labrador said...

Aw how fun! I long for nights like this! It's definitely a great thing to have someone who you can do 'nothing' with!

Julie @ A Simply Sweet Blog said...

Love the free Friday idea! And also, my mom totally used to do my hair like that and call me cousin it when I was little. I thought it was hilarious. Then I did it when I got older and no one found it quite as funny... Oops!

Nicole said...

Great idea! It's always important to slow things down and simplify time together. I think we are in need of one of these types of nights!


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