Husband Hoarding and A Happy Pupper Birthday | Anchors Aweigh


July 8, 2013

Husband Hoarding and A Happy Pupper Birthday

Friday was a very special day for the Phelps fam! Little Jenny turned 3 years old! Was Friday (July 5th) actually her birthday? I can almost guarantee it wasn't, but that's one of the joys that comes with a rescue pup. We adopted her February 5, 2011, and they told us she was about 6 months old. We decided 6 months from then (July 5th) would be her birthday. We celebrated with a nature walk, lots of treats, and a few new toys that are of course already destroyed.

Our sweet neighbor gave Jenny a toy and a birthday cookie. I couldn't even handle the cuteness...heart melted!

Saturday was a complete and total us day. We have lived here two months, and this is only our second weekend at home. Ridiculous, right? We had been looking forward to a day of just us with no distractions or road trips, and Saturday was just what the doctor ordered.

We have been watching Wimbledon almost every day, so we have had the itch to get out on the court and pretend we can even come close to hitting like the pros. It was sad yall, completely sad. We had fun though! We even played under a light rain, and playing any sport in the rain will make you feel like a rock star. We took a quick dip in the pool after a couple hours of tennis. Side note: the value of a pool largely decreases when it's raining outside. We ran errands that afternoon and came back home for a nice little date night in ala Redbox and Bluebell. Speaking of that, has anyone seen Side Effects? It didn't get a lot of press, but it's so good! That was our second time to see it and we both loved it.

Call us the boringtons, but it doesn't get much better in our book than a date night in.

Sunday we went paddle boarding with some friends, and I'll so a post on that later in the week! We came back sunburned and exhausted, and let's just say when that alarm went off this morning, it was rough. So much fun though and totally worth it. Hope you all had a great weekend too!


  1. I love doggie birthdays and your pup is so cute!!

  2. Those are my favorite kind of weekends!! I love that doggie birthday cookie!

  3. That picture of her eating the cookie is so cute! I totally agree that weekends with no plans are much appreciated when you get so busy.

  4. Looks like you had a nice, fun weekend! Jenny's cookie is too cute!

  5. Happy birthday, Jenny! The 5th was also Piper's first birthday.

  6. Well just everything about this is a-ok in my book! Namely the Blue Bell and paddleboarding. I'll be over next weekend so we can recreate those happenings. Sound good? Ok, great.

  7. Jenny is such a sweetie! A date night sounds so great right now! Even a nice, calm one. Just some "me and you" time. I started dating someone right before I came to Italy and now I miss date night. So I'm jealous.

  8. Happy Birthday Jenny! That cookie looks BOMB! I hope you ate it ALL!

  9. Hi Lovely! Love your awesome blog.
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  10. Happy birthday Jenny! Looks like she enjoyed that cookie!

    We just watched Side Effects for the first time last night. I feel like I need to watch it again because I totally was not expecting that ending!

  11. How sweet of your neighbor! And that picture is too cute!

  12. Happy birthday to your pup! ;-)

  13. what a nice weekend,paddle boarding sounds really neat!!

    happy monday!

  14. cute doggie. Our dog will be 7 yrs old. I so want to make him a cake or something he can eat. but my mom thinks dogs shouldnt eat people food as she says LOL

    glad you had a great weekend.

  15. Happy birthday to your sweet puppy :) My son is sitting in my lap and he loved the pictures of your pup.

  16. Love the picture of Jenny with her birthday cookie - too cute! :)

    And date nights in are awesome... especially with a good red box!

  17. Aww your puppy is so cute! Happy Birthday to the sweet little girl :) Found you from the GFC Collective. Hope you're having a fabulous week!

    Diary of a Debutante

  18. You two are such a cute couple!!! OMG. :) And I love that you celebrated your pups birthday.

  19. Birthday hugs to Jenny from me and Grandpa Har. I played tennis this morning for 2 hours, along with yesterday fro 2 hours and I am feeling it. Fortunately there's a Jacuzzi in the bath tub.

  20. UM adorable!! That picture of her eating the cookie is too much!!

    don't forget to link back to the link up so we can keep spreading the word :)


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