In His Image | Anchors Aweigh


July 25, 2013

In His Image

I was so excited when Susannah at Simple Moments Stick emailed me about a new series she is hosting called In His Image. I love any excuse to talk about my faith and what I believe, and what intrigued me most about this topic is how many ways you can go with it. The first thing that stuck out to me was the literal translation of being in His image: appearance.

Especially being girls, we are all insecure about something in our appearance. I'd like to thank the media for convincing us we all need to be 6 ft. tall with big boobs and a size 2 waist. I can look in the mirror and find 100 things that don't match up with the "beauty" the outside world is looking for. I have a slight lazy eye that is occasionally evident when I am tired, one nostril is a little wider than the other, my stick straight hair can't hold curl for anything, and my boobs are fairly nonexistent. But you know what? I am fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image, and knowing that wipes away all pressure from the outside world to look a certain way.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." -Psalm 139:14

We were created in the image of God, and God doesn't make mistakes. He is so intentional with His creations. From the dimples in our cheeks to the number of hairs on our head, God sees a complete masterpiece when He looks at each one of us. All of those little "imperfections" I see when I look in the mirror are so pleasing to God. His work is wonderful.

Not only was I created in God's image, but I love looking at my parents and seeing the features God took from them to form me. I have my mom's nose and straight hair, my dad's face shape and eyes, and I am shaped just like my Nana from head to toe. It was God's intent for me to look exactly as I do. We were all made in His image, and each and every one of us is so wonderfully made.

Look in the mirror and smile- God is!


  1. This is such a sweet post! When I'm having insecure moments, I like to remind myself that I was made this way for a reason!

  2. Wow this was a really great post! I think a lot of people are too concerned with what the media tells us we should look like.

  3. I love this post, dear! It's so true that God built our bodies the way He desired them. Our physical attributes were not a mistake! The linkup's tomorrow so I hope you'll link this post up so others can be encouraged by it!

  4. LOVE this post! You are so right and beautiful:) thanks for sharing this today!

  5. I love this post, Chelsea! I never thought about how God intentionally designed us to have features from our parents.

  6. This is so true! Beautiful post, beautiful friend :)

  7. I absolutely love this post. So true and I am learning to embrace all that God has given me. I used to look at myself and see so much that I did not like but overtime I have began to see more of my beauty in God's eyes. All His creations are perfect that includes us.

  8. You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Never forget you are Precious in His Sight! So proud of your maturity! His creations are perfect! He is the Master!

  9. Saw you connected through Aloha Friday! Love your blog! I have a ton of friends who are dating navy guys who would find this blog really inspiring. Love to connect, I'm over at Radiating Sunshine!

  10. Love this post. I find this completely relevant to me. Thank you for sharing

  11. Amen, girl! Thank you for this encouragement. I think all too often we focus on what we think is wrong with us because we listen to the world's opinion instead of God's opinion (which is also the truth!). :)

  12. "He is so intentional with His creations." I love that statement! How true! I find rest in knowing that the Creator of all the world knows exactly why I am who I am and think what I think. He created me with a purpose and plan. And it is in His Image to reflect Him. That's pretty amazing to think about!

    Glad I got to find you through this link-up!


  13. Yes, it is so good to rest in the assurance that God created us just as we are and our true beauty comes for our relationship with Him. Thanks for sharing : )


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