Skinny vs Fit | Anchors Aweigh


July 9, 2013

Skinny vs Fit

This is something I have struggled with for a while: skinny vs fit. Especially during the summer time, we girls are all about wanting to look and feel good in a swimsuit. I come from a long and lean family, and I have a pretty fast metabolism. I eat what I want, but I try to do it in moderation, so I've always been thin. Tennis kept me in shape in high school, and I stayed fairly motivated to work out my freshman year of college. Then things sort of fell by the wayside.

My story doesn't involve me gaining that dreaded 10 20 pounds many college students put on. I think I gained 5 pounds total throughout college, and I still looked thin, so I was good, right? Wrong. I wasn't fit or in shape. I got tired running a mile at a snail's pace, but I didn't have the motivation to lose weight, so I just let it go.

I've recently gotten into running, and I can't tell you how much it has positively impacted me. I feel stronger and more energized throughout the day. My legs are more toned, and did I mention the really sweet tan lines to show off at the pool? Yeah they aren't so cute, but the point is I am doing something. Have I lost weight? No, not really. Do I look healthier and feel more confident? Yes. I'll never be a size zero, but I want to look as good as I can with the body God gave me. It's not just about looking skinny in a swimsuit. I want to be fit for life.

A few non-solicited fit tips from an amateur:

1. Be realistic. I know myself too well to say I'll work out before work in the morning. I'll set the alarm, wake-up, and snooze until it's time to walk into my office and turn the computer on. Working out in the early AM isn't going to happen, so I go for runs on my lunch break.
2. Focus on you: You can't look at someone else and say I want to look exactly like that. Unless you're identical twins (and my identical twin sister and I still aren't built the same), it's not in the cards sweetheart. I try to focus on becoming the best version of myself I can be. Comparing yourself to anyone but your previous self is setting yourself up for failure.
3. Set a goal. Right now, my goal is to run a 10K. One day I'd like to run a 1/2 marathon, and this will likely become my deployment project when that dreaded day comes.
4. Make it a habit. They say if you do something consecutively for 30 days, it will become a habit. Those first few weeks of running every day were such a chore, but I can honestly say that now I enjoy it and even sometimes look forward to it...sometimes.

For motivation, check out one of my best friend's blog. Emily over at Just The Stew Of Us is a work-out machine and lost 30 lbs the right way- eating healthy and working her hiney off. She just ran a half marathon, and she's been a huge motivator for me to get my rear end outside and work-out! Not to mention, her blog is hysterical, and who couldn't use a few laughs on this fine Tuesday?

How do you stay motivated?


  1. I needed this today!
    Thanks! Great tips!
    This is also just the motivation I needed.
    I'm going to check out that other blog too!

  2. This is so true! When I got married several years ago, I wasn't really doing anything athletic. My husband got into running while we was deployed and ran several marathons and 1/2 marathons. I was jealous because he was so fit, and although I tried to join him, I just could. not. like. running! Ha! Then last year I started rowing and I love it! I haven't really lost any weight, but I feel better and know that I am doing myself a favor by staying active!

  3. This was great encouragement! I've taken up running lately and I'm so bad at looking at other people to compare myself. I'm working on focusing on myself. Thanks for the great post!

  4. I've been on a huge running kick lately, too. I agree that you can make it a habit within a few weeks if you can get yourself on a schedule or at least run somewhat consistently. I actually look forward to working out now :)

  5. Yeah, I'm one of those, skinny, but not fit. Although I walked the parade last week for the 4th and wasn't sore at all the next day, so maybe all this running around with kids stuff has helped. But still I'm not as fit, as I'd like to be.

    Thanks for some motivation. Now I just need some kid free time to do it.

  6. These are great tips! I'm just like you. Fast metabolism, skinny but definitely not fit. Sometimes I need to remind myself that.

  7. Thanks for your tips! I need to get in shape. I put on 30 pounds when I started college (partly due to a growth spurt and I was slightly underweight to begin with.) I went hiking in Colorado and loved it! I'll have to try hiking in Kentucky sometime!

  8. Oh girl you are too kind for that shout out! Thanks :) And I am so glad that you are starting to run. This means that you and I will run a half marathon whilst the husbands are on a ship somewhere flying off carriers and playing too many video games. It's happening and you don't have a say. Oh and also you look great! Give me those long and lean genes!

  9. Amen for being fit! As much as I would love to be the size 2 that I was before I had William, that's never going to happen lol. I love Emily's blog, and she totally motivates me too! I had an amazing running routine going last fall and then i just stopped :( I really need to get back into it because I felt great when I was doing it.

  10. I love your tips! Thanks for the encouragement. I lost my "college weight" by dieting, but I know I need to amp up my exercise regimen. (And by 'amp up', I mean start one!)

  11. I so want to be a runner. But I find it hard to self motivate :( I ride a train and hour too and from work and after getting off I just want to go home. Need to break out of that rut!!

  12. You look good girl! I, for one, am not a big runner and I got really discouraged when I just hated running. It wasn't until I started p90x and a women's boxing class that made me realize working out can be enjoyable, I just need to switch things up and make it fun!

  13. I just started C25K last night and I'm so excited to be more fit! I've been working out for about 2 months and, although I haven't noticed much visible change in my body, I've felt so much better. I'm hoping running will help even more! :-)

  14. Great post! I'm totally in the same boat. I'm fairly skinny, but I am winded so easily. It's embarrassing and I know it's not healthy. I plan on getting in better shape once I get back to the states and have a gym/safe running areas.

    P.S. I feel like I've been commenting on all of your stuff lately.

  15. Chelsea thanks for posting this, it is exactly what I needed to read today! I'm just starting to get into running too and sometimes staying motivated can be tough.

  16. I have some chub in places I would rather not have it. My husband and I have been doing Insanity and I've realized through this process that I don't need to be skinny to feel better about myself...I just need to be fit and healthy and Insanity is doing that for me. I don't pay any attention to what the scale says. Instead I focus on how the exercises are getting easier for me and how I feel stronger. That's what keeps me going.

  17. These are some great tips, thank you!
    At the moment I'm trying to stay motivated with music and I've got a pretty realistic goal that keeps me going. It's hard sometimes because I really want to give up some days on the whole health thing I'm working on and just munch and eat all that I fat and delicious.

    I followed you on GFC and Bloglovin btw.

    All Saints Day

  18. Love this! Especially the title! With gaining weight from my pregnancy this definitely gives me a better outlook on getting the baby weight off!

  19. Run on, girl! Fit is the new skinny!! :)

    Proud of your dedication and resolve!! You'll have a faster metabolism for the rest of your life! It has to become a habit because those days will come when it is a major challenge to make it fit into your day!

  20. Thank you so much for posting this! I haven't really found my groove yet but I'm working on it. I thought that getting up in the morning would be it. HA! We'll get there! Onto our healthier selves!


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