The Boy Behind The Blog | Anchors Aweigh


July 18, 2013

The Boy Behind The Blog

I got so excited for the Boy Behind The Blog link-up this month because I love hearing Parker's answers to random questions. Parker has written several posts on this blog and is talked about in nearly all of them, but I do love a good excuse to highlight the man in my life. In case you haven't noticed, he and Jenny are my not so secret obsession ;). 

Questions and Answers (my responses to his answers are in blue):

1. What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?
Channing Tatum. Some people say he's my doppleganger...I don't know if he looks that good.  
This one made me giggle. If you don't know Parker and his sense of humor, he likely just came off a little cocky in this answer. That said, I can almost kinda maybeee see the resemblance?

2. What is your dream car?
If I could drive anything and gas mileage isn't a big deal, I'd probably drive something sporty and Italian. The Fiat! Just kidding, maybe like a porsche (I realize that's not actually Italian).
The Fiat thing made me laugh out loud...nothing against Fiats of course :)

3. Do you have any tattoos? What, where, why?
No, I've never understood tattoos
This is true. I don't see either of us ever getting tattoos for our own personal reasons. 

4. Boxers or briefs?
Neither. Just kidding, briefs
I found this question a little awkward. Maybe that was just me.

5. List 3 random facts about yourself...

--Every Halloween that I can remember as a child, I dressed up as a solider or a military person of some sort.
I love this about him. Few people can say they are truly living out their passion and their dream, but for Parker, being in the military has been something he has wanted from the beginning. I wonder if future little Phelplets will take after their dad?

--I was on the marksmanship team in high school, but we sucked. I still got a letter jacket for it.
Bad wife alert: I forget this fun fact every time he tells me. It's not something he talks about, and I don't even think I have ever seen said letter jacket.

--I'm a closet environmentalist. I hate throwing stuff out that still works. 
 So true. I am working on our audition tape for Hoarding: Buried Alive. Kidding, actually Parker is the cleaner one of the two of us. 

Thanks for humoring me and answering these questions Parker!


  1. Love this idea for a linkup :)! You guys are such a cute couple!

  2. "I'm working on our audition tape for hoarding: buried Alive" hahaha that was amazing!
    :) Great answers!

  3. I never understood tattoos either! We'd all get along well.

  4. These answers made me laugh! I have got to get Justin to do one of these:)

  5. Thanks for sharing! I just did my first Boy Behind the Blog posting. You and Emily inspired me :)

  6. Haha your husband has a great sense of humor. And I totally understand hating to throw away stuff that still works... I'm the same way!

  7. Ryan and Parker's answers to the first question made me giggle. These boys are too much! And I'm with Parker, Fiat for sure.

  8. Ha this is too funny! You guys are great!

  9. Gotta love a man with a sense of humor. Bet you and him share lots of laugh.

  10. Love your responses to his responses. I thought the boxer or briefs question was awkward too :)

  11. So funny! I love that you added commentary!

  12. I loved reading his answers, and your commentary was hilarious! My favorite answer was the Hoarding one, even if it wasn't his!
    Also, I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award!
    Happy Weekend!
    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  13. I loved reading his answers and your commentary! I definitely want to join in on this link up :D I will have to start bugging my other half!


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