A Pet Pig Named Madison & Other Animal Cuteness | Anchors Aweigh


August 5, 2013

A Pet Pig Named Madison & Other Animal Cuteness

This weekend was honestly perfect. I can't even write a blog post on it because it was so uneventful, but it was just what the doctor ordered. Parker and I soaked up lots of quality time and Jenny snuggles, and it definitely has me wishing we could go back to Friday and do it all over again. Since I'm probably not the only one with a case of the Mondays, these furry babies will hopefully cheer you up.

We went over to a friend's house for a BBQ Friday night, and we were greeted at the door by their three pets. Two dogs...and a pig! They had a precious 4-month old pig named Madison that I seriously could not get over. The little piglet squealed and snorted and even wagged her tail like a dog. The cuteness was in overdrive. Bonus: Madison the pig was wearing a dress. I was obsessed!

Parker has been gone a lot lately and we have noticed Jenny wanting to hang out with him any chance she gets...poor pup's not going to handle deployment well at all. We were hanging out on the couch catching up on the DVR, and Jenny hopped right up to snuggle with her dad. She was so happy!

And now for the cutest thing you've ever seen, Parker found this video on YouTube and we have been giggling about it all weekend. It's hysterical while simultaneously being precious. Meet Loca the Pug who just can't seem to run. Heart melted!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Monday, once again you've come too soon.


  1. I love the video! Killed myself laughing! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh, wow! I would go crazy for a cute little pig! Aww! How awesome is that?! Glad you had a great weekend! :)


  3. That pig is adorable! Glad y'all had a great weekend :)

  4. I hope they weren't cooking pork at that BBQ!

  5. Madison is SO cute! And that Loca the Pug video is hilarious... now I have the song stuck in my head!

    Glad you had a great weekend! :)

  6. My sisters and I loved that video! So funny and cute!

  7. I have a FB friend who has a pig and OHH I want one so bad!!

  8. I'm glad you had such a wonderful weekend! I totally want a pet pig now!!! :-)

  9. That pig is just too cute!!! I love it! Glad you had a great weekend, I hate when it's over too!
    Karen @ Karen's Soiree

  10. Okay, I officially want a pig! So cute! I think it make me rethink my bacon addiction though, haha.

    And that dog running, absolutely amazing, he's like a little bunny!

  11. That pig is too cute! So is that little pug!!


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