Family, Board Games, and Pupper Snuggles | Anchors Aweigh


August 12, 2013

Family, Board Games, and Pupper Snuggles

The name says it all- this weekend was perfect. Parker and I really need to quit traveling so much on the weekends, but there is always next weekend, right? We spent two days with my family, and it was the perfect chance to getaway from the stresses of work and flight school and just relax while mom and dad paid for everything ;).

Scenes from the weekend...

These people mean so much to me, so a weekend spent with them is a weekend well spent. We gorged on wine and pizza at 2 in the afternoon, spent a half hour trying to decide what movie we were going to see, and went out for ice cream when nobody was the least bit hungry...perfection.  We missed my littlest sister while she was at camp though!

Our board games of choice

Sophisticated, right? Disney Sorry was an epic blast from the past, and I forgot how much fun Clue is to play! Even though the boys kicked our tails, it was such a great family game! We will be busting Clue out again in the near future.

Pupper Snuggles

Not pictured is Bella the German Shepard, but that's what happens when you can't stop playing with your ball. Jenny had a blast with her cousins and will be recovering most of the day today. Nobody has any kids yet, so the pups become the center of attention at family gatherings. I know it's hard to tell, but we are dog lovers over here!

That about sums up our weekend. It was low-key, but that's how we prefer it!
How was your weekend?


  1. oh man, we used to love clue! maybe its time to dig that bad boy outta the closet...

  2. Oh - how fun!! Looks like a GREAT weekend!! :) AND I totally used to LOVE playing clue!! My cousin, aunt, and I used to play it every summer! I agree with Julie above! I may need to dig this out of the closet! hahaha!!
    :) Happy Monday!
    :) Rebecca

  3. This sounds like the perfect weekend! You are so lucky to have your family close! :)


  4. Aww, I love playing board games!
    Glad you had such a fun weekend! =D

  5. Yay for family time, board games, and memories made!
    Sounds like a great weekend to me!

  6. LOL my dog is always the center of attention-- in fact I dedicated an entire blog post to him trying to get his ball off the tv stand (that has yet to be moved now that the tv is hung on the wall).

  7. Weekend with the family are so relaxing! Looks like you had lots of fun!

  8. two of my fave board games and it's been forever since I played either. Dont know the last time I've played a board game. That's so sad to even say.

    Looks like you had a great weekend. We all need those. :D

  9. Love clue! We attempted to play Cranium this weekend and make some play dough for it via pinterest (because the original dough was missing). However the dough making was a fail so we ended up not playing!

  10. Not fair! I'm not allowed to play Clue with my family because "I always win"... Hope you had fun!

  11. It looks like you had a great weekend! Playing board games is always fun. Have you played Scattergories? It's my favorite!

  12. Disney Sorry?!?!? Yes please!!! ;-)

  13. Never played disney sorry, but my husband kicks tail at Clue. So much so that I don't really enjoy playing with him because he somehow can win a game in the first 5minutes...well it feels like it's that quick. Glad you had a wonderful weekend!

  14. so cute! I have been wanting to have a game night for the longest time. Target has tons of Disney board games and I want to buy them all :)

  15. Looks like such an awesome weekend! That's great that you got to spend it with your family :D I love Clue!!


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