Fulfillment | Anchors Aweigh


August 29, 2013


I am so excited to be participating in Susannah's link-up on being romanced by God. We are the bride of Christ, our one true source of contentment. It's such a neat concept that I honestly didn't fully grasp until recently. I have many different relationships here on this Earth. We all do. Some are deeper while others remain more surface-level. I used to think that I could be completely fulfilled by these relationships, but I have found that this will never be the case.

I thought that marrying Parker would fulfill my every need and desire for the rest of my life. I thought that he was the person I needed to be completely and wholly satisfied, but this isn't true. Don't get me wrong, I can't say enough good things about our marriage and why I love Parker, but he can't fulfill every desire of my heart, and he isn't supposed to. Nor am I supposed to be able to fulfill every single need of his. I've found that the only relationship that can truly fulfill every inch of my being is the relationship I have with Jesus Christ. This is the one relationship that will never hurt me, never forsake me, never look down on me, and always love me in a way people here on Earth can't.

Fulfillment is a tricky thing. As a society, we are constantly striving to make more money, look younger, and own the latest and greatest gadget. If we can achieve these things, maybe we can find happiness. Materialistic gains will never, ever completely fulfill us. No matter how hard we try, there will always be a void in our hearts. God is the only source of true fulfillment. He has given us these relationships here on Earth for a reason, but that reason was not complete fulfillment. It isn't fair to expect Parker to satisfy every need and desire of my heart, just like it isn't fair for him to expect that from me. We weren't created for that. Honestly, this is a relief! How much pressure is it to try to fulfill someone's every need and desire? I'd personally rather not be responsible for this and leave it to the One who made us and loves us. As Parker and I have turned more and more to the Lord for a deeper relationship with Him, He has rewarded us with a deeper marriage to each other. Putting all of our faith and trust in God and not just in each other has brought us closer together, and this is no coincidence.

Our Heavenly Father is our lover and romancer and the only complete source of fulfillment in our lives. He yearns so badly to be there for us. We just have to let Him in.


  1. Chelsea I absolutely love this post. It's so important to know that Christ alone can satisfy our deepest yearnings and desires. That why we are His brides because he knows exactly what we need. I love to be reminded that I am truly married to Christ and that my husband is a physical manifestation of Gods love for me. He's the one that provides, protects, and loves me but God has supplied him with the tools required to meet those needs. Thanks for sharing your beautiful heart!!

  2. This is a great post! Thank you for sharing the truth. I think everyone has looked for fulfillment in the wrong places at one time or another. Sometimes it hard to keep you eyes fixed to what is true!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. I LOVE this post!! Such a great reminder and I love the triangle picture- my mom and dad always used this analogy.

  4. What a great post! Thanks for linking up for the Grow Your blog hop today. Looking forward to reading more.

  5. Isn't it such a blessing that we aren't alone? Christ is our lover - even if we also have a human lover!

  6. This is excellent girl. I always love reading your post and hearing from you. Thanks for everything


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