I Don't Go To The Gym | Anchors Aweigh


August 19, 2013

I Don't Go To The Gym

I have gotten so into working out lately. I now enjoy going on the occasional run and love incorporating weights into my work-outs. But you know what? I don't go to the gym. Ever. I really can't remember the last time I worked out in a gym, which is a little sad since I always have free access to one on base. Here's what I've found out: I can get just as good of a work-out in my living room, and then I don't have to go anywhere!

Today I thought I would share our current favorite way to work-out: Hasfit. Parker found these videos on Youtube a few months ago, and I absolutely love them. Why? Because each video targets a specific area, and the work-outs are only 10 minutes long. I like the way I feel after I work-out, but I hate dedicating an hour of my day to do so. I wake up so sore after doing one or two of these videos, and I can tell a difference in the way I look. Here are two of my favorites so far:

I like to do arms and abs one day, legs another, cardio the next, etc. I've never really lifted weights before. I didn't realize how important it was, but it has helped tone up my entire body. I love using weights now! And by weights, I mean these little 5 pounders I purchased from Walmart for $2. I'll probably move to 8 pound weights eventually, but you'd be amazed how sore you can be doing these work-outs with 5 pound weights.

I am not affiliated with Hasfit, nor was I compensated for this post. I just genuinely enjoy these work-outs and wanted to share! Happy Monday!!


  1. I really got into working out lately as well! I've started running and I do blogilates - her videos are short too and use no weights. You could check it out too. There's a fitness blog and a ton of videos on youtube! If you want to switch it up (:

  2. Awesome! I love this! I'm not much of a gym-goer myself... I do most of my workouts at home or running outside. Love the videos!

  3. I have free access to a gym here on campus and I never go either! This semester I plan to go as often as I can since I won't have the membership after December. Thanks for sharing the videos; I can't wait to try them out!

  4. This is awesome! I have so many at home work out DVDs, hand weights, and a yoga mat that are collecting dust. I need to get motivated again!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  5. I'll have to check out those videos. I try to go to the gym but, like you said, sometimes it would be nice to only dedicate 10 minutes to a workout.

  6. What sucks is when you know you have weights and you dont know where they are or if you let someone borrow them. Hope you're doing good. Happy monday.


  7. Thanks for the suggestions, I always like a good video workout to do. Although I go to the gym pretty often, sometimes it's nice to do something quick at home.

  8. I have never understood people who go to a gym! I mean I understand if you're a really social person and go for the friends, but when I work out, I honestly just want to get in, get it done, & call it a day. Hit the showers. Lol. I don't like the idea of paying for it when you can do it in the privacy of your own home. Especially now, since I am due in November, it's a must because I won't be able to bring a newborn to the gym anyways!

    ♥, Brittney @ True Vintage Love

  9. Seriously, I love working out but I too hate it taking such a long time. I'm gonna check these vids! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Working out in the living room is the way to go! During William's nap I either sew or workout :)


  11. I don't go to the gym either. I hate it there...i always feel like i am being watched or judged. But it does make me keep going and going. I just love my germ-free, relaxed home gym (i.e. my family room or the neighbourhood streets!)

  12. Thanks for telling us about these. I love workouts you can do at home. Our local gym is always PACKED. And I hate going!

  13. These are great! Thanks for sharing the videos! I love that they are 10 minutes:) I also have access to the gyms on post & at our apartment, but they are always packed whenever I go! There's nothing worse than waiting in line behind a sweaty guy to use a machine, eww lol
    So I usually stick to videos, resistance bands, & the free weights I have at home.
    I'm definitely going to give these a try & may do a post about them on my blog, if that's cool with you, I'll be sure to link back;)

  14. Those workouts sound great! I have some 5-lb weights at home and they can really give you a workout, even though they look small and unintimidating. Thanks for linking up with the Love Your Body link-up--don't forget to link back! :)

  15. I have zero motivation when I don't go to the gym, but it makes things so much cheaper, so I like your style! YouTube videos are a great way to workout at home though!!


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