I Guess We're Not Emotionally Bonded | Anchors Aweigh


August 23, 2013

I Guess We're Not Emotionally Bonded

Happy Friday friends! Words cannot express how excited I am that the weekend is upon us, and I'm sure I am not alone in this! This weekend has been a little up and down for us, but there is one little furball who has kept us smiling through it all. Thank goodness for Jenny!

And now for our favorite Jenny moment of the week...

Parker read somewhere that dogs who are emotionally bonded to their owners tend to yawn when they do, so all week Parker and I have been yawning obnoxiously in front of Jenny to see if she will yawn too. She has a couple of times, but most of the time she stares at us like we are from another planet. At this point she's just annoyed, but here is Parker in action trying to prove Jenny is emotionally bonded to us:

Jenny was so not impressed, but Parker and I got a kick out of it! Moral of the story: I guess Jenny isn't emotionally bonded to us. Or better moral of the story: that statistic Parker found is completely ridiculous. I think I might go with the latter.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Haha, I've read that too and it totally doesn't work on my dogs either. Although maybe it has to be a real yawn? I don't know, I've certainly never seen it work! But we have done the exact same thing trying to get them to yawn, haha!

  2. I have never heard that before about dogs! We have two little doggies, so now I'm going to have to pay attention and see if it works. But, yes, you are probably right that it is ridiculous, haha!

  3. I have never head of this but you know I will be testing it out on my Daisy to see! Also love that your dog is names Jenny :)

  4. Haha this is awesome:) I'm sure she is totally emotionally bonded to you guys! You seem like the perfect dog parents!

  5. This is funny. I've never seen my dogs yawn, but I don't think they would even if I tried to get them to. Ha! :)

  6. I's glad someone is obsessed with their dog as much as I am.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. I's glad someone is obsessed with their dog as much as I am.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  8. HAHA!! You guys are as crazy as I am when it comes to my "baby". I love that Parker let you video him doing that. He's a good guy!

  9. Haha that's funny.. I'll have to try it with Gunner :)

  10. Jenny was not impressed. Also trying this on Bruce this weekend. I'm going to go ahead and assume he'll be as unimpressed as Jen Jen.

  11. Fur babies can be so silly at times. The one at mom's will get mad at you if you dont speak to you. And will sit on the couch with his head turned away from you. If you call his name and whatever he wont look at you for a while b/c he's mad. LOL its funny

  12. lol that's hilarious! My dad and his dog Cooper always yawn at the same time, so they must be emotionally bonded :)

  13. Is it weird I yawned reading this? NOT out of boredom but just from talking about it! You know I am going home and trying this with Finn!

  14. How funny! I bet she can tell it's not a real yawn!

    And, yes I will also be trying on Jake & Millie!

  15. Haha. That's a hilarious study! It's probably true though... ;-)

  16. This is hilarious! I would be lying if I am not excited to try this with our little lady this weekend.

  17. Let it be known that Jenny did respond with a yawn at least one time ... the other 50 times she just thought we were being ridiculous

  18. LOL!! I never heard that before. I bet she just shows it in other ways. If I find out my dog isn't emotionally bonded to me after 7 years I'm breaking up with her. Emotional infidelity is the worst! Hahaha! BTW I love that Parker commented to say that she yawned once. Hilarious!!

  19. Apparently humans yawn when they see other people yawning because they're subconsciously empathizing with them, so I wouldn't be surprised if the statistic if true.
    I tried that on Bella and she just turned around and walked away. Oh well!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  20. Apparently humans yawn when they see other people yawning because they're subconsciously empathizing with them, so I wouldn't be surprised if the statistic if true.
    I tried that on Bella and she just turned around and walked away. Oh well!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  21. Aww Jenny is so cute! I'm sure she's emotionally bonded with yall, yawns or not ;)

    Rachel Emma
    Daydream Frenzy

  22. I think I'm the one who has emotionally bonded because every time our Luna Mae yawns I yawn right along with her!


  23. I always wondered why my last dog yawned when I did! Now we're getting a new puppy, I'll have to work hard on getting him to copy me :P


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