Love Is Easy | Anchors Aweigh


August 20, 2013

Love Is Easy

I was warned how much hard work marriage can be countless times before Parker and I said "I do". Everyone wanted to make sure I was prepared and didn't just think it would be rainbows and butterflies all the time. I tried to be respectful and listen to their advice, but in my head I was thinking about what I was going to eat for lunch or what I was going to wear the next day. I loved Parker so much, and he loved me so much. Marriage wasn't going to be hard work for us. I thought we would be the exception.

We've been married a little over two years, and here is what I have decided: marriage is work and can even be hard at times, but love is easy. Going from being independent to suddenly making all your decisions with another person is definitely a transition. Marriage does take work, and sometimes it takes hard work. We don't get along all the time. We argue about small things and big things. We get frustrated when we don't see eye to eye. I guess this is the "work" in marriage, but I can honestly say that loving Parker has always been easy. I think that's the awesome part about marriage. Through the trials and tribulations life throws at us, one thing always holds true: we love each other so much.

Parker and I talk a lot about how our love has grown. I didn't think there was any way I could love him more than I did the day we became husband and wife, but I do. He didn't think he could love me more than the day he proposed, but he does. We both know our love for each other will grow infinitely when we one day have children. We've been through too much together for that love to ever go away, and I think that is the way it is supposed to be.

So all those opinionated loved ones who told us marriage can be hard work? It turns out they were right. It can be hard work. Most of the time it's not, but sometimes it definitely takes work to get through certain situations. They forgot to give one crucial piece of advice though. Love is easy.


  1. Love this and completely agree!!! Maybe we are just the lucky ones ;)

  2. YES! Yes to everything. This is a really great post! So truthful & honest. I totally agree! =)

  3. Such a wonderful outlook and so very true!!!!

  4. love this post. and you two are such a cute couple. I enjoy reading about how bloggers met their guys and how in love they are and even though there are hard times they still get thru them. I look forward to going thru that myself when the time comes.

    Hope you have a terrific Tuesday. Come check out my place. Lots going on.

  5. This is such a great and cute post! Love is easy and I'm glad yours is!!

  6. I love this. It is so true. Marriage is hard work, but it is easy to love someone.

  7. This is the perfect way of putting it! Love is easy. I love that.

  8. This is exactly true. We've been in a season of marriage being hard but, like you said, love is easy!

  9. LOVE THIS!! I think marriage is work because it is something that you should continually strive to make better. Even if it's already the best!

  10. I totally agree with you on this!!!! Great wedding pic.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  11. So true and so sweet! Even during the times marriage is hard work. It's the most rewarding hard work I'll ever have to do! Worth every second of it. =]

  12. Such a good reminder. It's true, marriage is work, but it's also true that love is easy. Way to point that out!

    My Wholesome Home

  13. This is so beautiful!

  14. Love this. True words. You guys are a beautiful couple.

    Lovely blog, I'm your newest follower.


  15. such a good piece of advice! :)


  16. Great piece and thank you for your honesty. At first I thought you were going to write a flowery piece but it was honest and loving. Love it!

  17. Your posts are always so adorable and inspiring! I love the idea that love is easy, even through any hardships.

  18. I stumbled upon your blog and I LOVE this post! It reminds me of what I always tell people when they ask me how I knew my husband was "the one". Because being with him is easy. It feels effortless. Yes, we have to work at our marriage and make sure we are always growing together, but loving each him is the easiest thing I've ever done.


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