Okay Twitter, You Win | Anchors Aweigh


August 8, 2013

Okay Twitter, You Win

Well, I did it. After resisting today's most popular form of social media for years, I finally buckled down and got a Twitter. I think I was the only blogger person in the world without a Twitter, and I guess it was just time to fix that. And that's how @AnchorsAweigh_1 was born.

I honestly never intended to get one, but I have had a few bloggers ask for my Twitter, and that's about when I realized it was socially frowned upon not to have one. I'm not much for trends, but Twitter seems to be a movement that is here to stay, so I might as well partake in said movement to see what all the fuss is about.

I feel a bit like Tweety the Twitter bird (I highly doubt that is actually the Twitter bird's name, but it has a nice ring to it) with all this social media, but what's one more right? So don't mind me, for the next few days I'll be exploring the ins and outs of Twitter and getting this concept on lock down. And just when I thought I was beginning to get the hang of it, this happened.

Sweet Beth from Hang On, Honey favorited one of my tweets...so naturally I had no idea what that meant and favorited one of her tweets too. Favorite me, I'll favorite you? Somehow I don't think that's right.

Sweet Jessa from Life of A Sports Wife retweeted one of my tweets...I interpret a retweet as saying "Preach it, sister!" ...no?

I may have a longer way to go than I originally thought...

#Wait, this blog has a Twitter??


  1. You aren't the only one ... although, I am starting to see that I may need to get one, if for nothing else, at least for blogging purposes!! Ugh.

  2. Yay! Welcome to twitter! My handle is @jvv628, I'll be changing it at some point soon so it actually seems somewhat connected to my blog name, hah.

  3. I am not a twitter girl... at all...
    So, when I got one for my blog.. I used it at first and now I never touch it. I keep trying to get myself to use it, but I just don't get it! And I'm not attached to my phone/computer enough! lol I'll follow you anyway! =D

  4. I need to get a twitter too! I'm a little scared/hesitant! :) I feel like I'm just sort of getting the hang of instagram! I'm such a social media dork!

  5. I have a twitter but I've had such a hard time getting into it. I'll follow you since you're new at it too!


  6. I just joined twitter too, but honestly I totally don't get it... Why do we need a hash tag and why is it such a horrible thing to use the space bar? The whole thing confuses me but I think I need to embrace it and just learn. Ill make sure to follow you and maybe get some "twit-spiration". Yes I just said that...


  7. Actually the little birdy's name is Larry but I like Tweety better too :) You'll grow to like Twitter I promise! It does take a lot of getting used to. If you or any one else ever needs any Twitter help I'd be more than happy to talk! None of the guys at work let me do my job and train them on social media so I need somewhere to put all this silly knowledge :)


  8. I'm glad that you have a Twitter now! I have to admit, I rarely use mine to network with fellow bloggers.... I haven't gotten the hang of the networking yet!

  9. haha, twitter is SO confusing! I can't get a handle on it. Just started following you in the meanwhile :)!

  10. You were not alone! I am not on twitter yet either. I just don't see the point with all the other media...I am still holding out! Good luck with yours though!

  11. Welcome. I am so glad you got one. Honestly all my social media accounts are a copy of each other. My instagram goes to my twitter which then goes to my facebook. So I look present in all of them when I really only use IG and Twitter. I am at my social media limit though. I am seriously not adding anything else LOL.

  12. Ugh... this is making me want to get a Twitter now!!!

  13. I recently got a twitter too and have NO idea how to use it! I'll find ya on there!

  14. Woohoo!!! Welcome to the world of Twitter. I've had mine for a couple months and am still overwhelmed by it! ;-)

  15. WHAT? so it means you'd been missing out loads of things while being away of twitter . GLAD you got it , I did the same mistake and didn't get one for me sooner , but now I learnt the lesson and now twitter is an addiction :) I'll get you there.
    Noor @ Noor's Place

  16. Woohoo! I'm following you now! (: Welcome to the wonderful world of Twitter!

  17. I have one but have slowed down due to hate. which I guess I shouldnt do that huh



  18. Let me know how you like it.. I'm still getting used to Twitter.


  19. I finally got one just a little while ago. I actually really like it! It's pretty fun.

  20. I'm holding out as well... I just don't see the sensation

  21. haha! Favoriting is a great way to find a tweet that had info you like or if you just "like" what was tweeted. And Yes, retweet is pretty much a "Hey, I like what this person said. You should read it." It also gives you exposure.

    Welcome to the world of Twitter! I really enjoy it...so much so that I'm still trying to convince my hubby he should get one. Ha! Good luck to me!

  22. I'm not very twitter-literate either, I just guess most of time when it comes to twitter ha ha. I usually retweet tweets that I find hilarious or just have to share. I still haven't gotten the hang of what exactly to tweet myself though. Ha ha!


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