Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits | Anchors Aweigh


August 21, 2013

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

Yes, I made homemade dog biscuits for my dog child. Peanut butter is her favorite food (and one of about 3 human foods we actually let her have), so I was so excited when my bloggy friend Laura posted this recipe for the pups. Mine came out a little different than hers because I used more peanut butter than I was supposed to, but Jenny loved them!

3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup honey
1 T olive oil
1 cup water
1 cup rolled oats
2 cups flour

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk together peanut butter, honey, oil, and water in a small bowl.
2. In a medium bowl, combine flour and oats. Fold peanut butter mixture into flour mixture and stir until incorporated.
3. Roll out dough with a rolling pin to 1/4 in - 1/2 in thick. Use a bone cookie cutter to cut out biscuits and place on a baking sheet.
4. Bake about 15 minutes or until crispy. Let cool and serve to the pup in your life!

Side note: I decided to give one a taste since it's made of ingredients we eat every day (it's not like it's Alpo!). Let's just say these treats are meant for the pups. Way too bland for us humans, but your dog will love it! Mama tested, Jenny approved.


  1. Oh, Gidget would love these! Peanut butter is one of the only things we let her eat, too. She comes running whenever I even open the cabinet where we keep the peanut butter :)

  2. seems easy to make as well. may have to give these a try one day.

  3. Whaaat! I totally want to do this. I am always baking and my fur baby stares at me like, "Can I have some?!" I am worried though because his stomach is pretty sensitive. Anytime we've ever given him table food (or he's stolen it... ha) he has gotten so sick. We don't even venture out on what treats he gets. He sticks to his original dog food and this bacon strips for treats!

  4. I must make these for Morgan... he'd be in heaven, he's such a peanut butter boy!

  5. I saw these on pinterest awhile back and said I would make them but haven't got around to it yet. I really need to do this. My pups deserve to be spoiled. =]

  6. I have a dog child too. I will have to try these!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. What fun! I'm glad you pup enjoyed them! :-)

  8. haha yay! Glad you tried them out! I think I left out a cup of water when I made mine so they were much more dry!

  9. When I was reading the ingredients, I was like hmm, this sounds pretty good! What if I make them for the family?
    And then I saw the part about you having tried them, haha :) Definitely trying this for Bella!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  10. I think my kids and I will try making these for our dog!

    Found you through Wednesday Walkabout. I'm a fellow Navy wife, and my husband and I are both Aggies too! Whoop!

  11. sure am going to try theses my two labs will love them: Got pictures of them on my blog

  12. I've been dying to make Gunner some homemade treats and these sound super easy. Can't wait to make them!

  13. Awwww, what a cutie! I've never known a dog who doesn't wolf down anything food-related at the drop of a hat. He's clearly a very discerning gentleman!


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