Scenes From The Weekend | Anchors Aweigh


August 26, 2013

Scenes From The Weekend

These next few weekends are going to be jam-packed for us, so we savored all the rest and relaxation we could from this one!

Friday night we went to our first Hooks game at the infamous Whataburger Field with some friends. Good food, great company, and an intense 9th inning made it an awesome evening. Neither of us are die hard Hooks fans or anything (we just support the local team in each new place that we live), but they won! One of the guys on the team actually played on the same baseball team as Parker in California when they were younger, so it was neat to see him playing in the minors!

Saturday we had an us day. Parker grilled, we watched Game of Thrones, took naps (me), played video games (him), etc. It was a lazy Saturday and we were all about it! We did get all dressed up Saturday night to go to dinner with friends, so we'll call that productive since we otherwise wouldn't have left the house.

In other news, we tried out a new church on Sunday, and I think we finally found the perfect church for us. One of the great things about military life is all the moving, but that can definitely be a downside when you fall in love with a church and have to leave it. We are only in Kingsville for a year, but we really want to get involved in a church while we are here. Parker is convinced if I help in the church nursery, that will cure the baby fever for a while! I'm fairly confident it would do the opposite ;). 

For now though, I'll just obsess over these two cuties!


  1. OMG, that last picture cracked me up. Your dog looks so unamused. Sounds like a good weekend :)

    My Wholesome Home

  2. Aww.. it looks like you had a great weekend! Any Jenny yawning yet? lol

  3. It looks like you had a good weekend! :) Congrats on finding a church that you like! It's always so hard to find a church that feels like home.

  4. Sounds so relaxing! That last picture is a riot!!

  5. Finding a new church is so hard! Each time I move that is one of the things I dread the most! It's so great that you are going to get involved even though you know you'll only be there a short time. We just moved and are looking for a new church too! Hopefully we find one we like soon.

  6. I love lazy days to just be home, you need those every once in awhile! And I like the baby fever comment, I tell my husband often about my own baby fever, and he tells me that's why we have our nieces and nephew!

  7. y'all are just the cutest :) and I think working in the nursery will have the opposite effect too! A couple of ladies in my quilt guild just had babies and they bring them to meetings, and it definitely makes me want another baby. Glad y'all had a great weekend :)

  8. I'm thinking being around babies will tide you over a little--especially because babies cry a lot, but you're probably going to want one even more. So glad you found a church home though!

  9. Great pictures. You guys are so cute together. Sounds like a fun weekend! Glad you have found a church that you guys like :)

  10. Sounds like a fun weekend! I'm so glad you've found a church you like!

  11. Haha I love his train of thought with the baby nursery. Pretty sure it will do just the opposite!

  12. Cheers for an awesome weekend. Sounds like you guys had a blast. I totally know what you mean about finding a church and the whole military moving. Most of my friends are Air Force wives and two of them moved around the same time that I did from Florida. I totally under estimated how hard it could be to find a church. I have been in NYC for 1 year and just now found a church that I love and was happy enough to join. Nothing compares to my home church though but then again that church holds a special place in my heart for helping me come closer to God than I had ever been. I can't wait to hear more about the church and how you all get plugged it. Happy Monday Friend!

  13. I'm so glad you found a church you love! And also glad that you had a good weekend. Y'all are just the cutest!

  14. Finding a church can be really rough. We moved just under a year ago and have yet to find one that we love.

  15. Baseball and lazy Saturdays are two of the most amazing things!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  16. So glad you found the perfect church for you! That is such a great feeling. :) That's one of the top reasons why I don't want to leave Colorado!

    Also, I feel ya on the baby fever, and I'm not even married yet! Ha!


  17. Yay for fun weekend and finding a church. I think it's one of the hardest things to do. We still drive an hour south to attend our home church. I just can't think of trying to find a new one. Not yet.

  18. sounds like y'all had such a fun weekend!
    And i'm glad y'all have found a church that y'all enjoy that is so crucial! :)


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