We Were How Old?! | Anchors Aweigh


August 6, 2013

We Were How Old?!

I stumbled through some old pictures of Parker and me on Facebook and thought they would be fun to share. We met when we were 18 years old...18! We were babies! We met in 2007, started dating in 2008, got engaged in 2010, and were married in 2011. I thought I'd share some pictures from the early years. I can't believe how young we look! Apologies, this post is primarily a picture montage, but isn't that really the best kind?

November 2007- our first Navy Ball
September 2008- one of our first Aggie football games together

October 2008- Midnight Yell (about a month before we said the "L" word!)

June 2009- Reunited after Parker's first summer cruise with the Navy

July 2009- Beach getaway with my family- The hat was cool back then. Now, not so much.

 February 2010- Celebrating Valentine's Day

August 2010- Family beach trip, just a few days before we got engaged

We were so young! Okay, really we still are.


  1. Little Phelps'! I love looking at these especially because Parker is rockin' that fish hair cut in the first few. Gotta love the Corps! This is so so cute :)

  2. Loved seeing all the pictures. You guys are darling! xo

  3. Picture montages are my favorite. David and I have been together since we were 21 and we first met in 2nd grade! I love looking back at those young photos!

  4. Aw, you guys DO look so young! It's always fun looking back at old photos, though! :) Dan and I didn't meet until I was 21, so we don't have any "baby-looking" pictures together!


  5. I just did the same thing recently, and we only met in 2009. Crazy how fast things change in such a relatively short period of time!

  6. Such cute photos! I think you changed the most for sure!

  7. I love these pictures. It's fun to see people BTB (before the blog) ;-)

  8. Y'all are so cute!! Love the pictures :)

  9. You look so young!! I love seeing bloggers' photos from when they were younger. I love hearing how couples met, too!

  10. These pictures are so cute! I love seeing pictures from back in the day ha ha! I think we are about the same age :D

  11. Cute pictures! My husband and I started dating in high school too and it's crazy to look back at all the old pics. Some of them, I definitely question my fashion, but oh well, they were good memories!

  12. It looks like Parker was ready to pop the question at the first football game!!


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