Jenny Is Ready To Be A Big Sister | Anchors Aweigh


September 16, 2013

Jenny Is Ready To Be A Big Sister

Jenny hasn't been around a lot of kids, so we are weary when little kids come up to her because we don't quite know how she will react. We rescued her at 6 months, and we really don't know much about her first six months of life. We know she has a BB gun bullet lodged in her side, so it couldn't have been too pleasant. For all we know, kids did that to her, so we are cautious around children.

A couple of weekends ago, we got to spend time with Parker's extended family, three of which are small children (2 small boys, and a 10 week old baby girl). Yall, I couldn't believe how she reacted. When I was holding the baby, she stayed by my side the entire time, trying to see the little baby. Wherever the baby was, Jenny was. At one point the baby was taking a nap in the back room, and she started crying as she woke up. Faster than any of us could even rise from the couch, Jenny was sitting at the back room door patiently waiting to see the baby. Little Jenny seemed to know the baby was fragile. She didn't make any sudden movements around the baby and kept very quiet, which was out of character considering Jenny is quite spastic by nature.

Jenny also made time to play with the boys, which made me nervous at first since little kids can be rough without meaning to be. Jenny yet again proved we had nothing to worry about. She kept watch over them while they were in the pool, and she played chase with them once they were inside. Watching her chase the boys around and let the boys chase her completely melted my heart. Very few times have I seen Jenny so happy. She absolutely loves kids!

Seeing Jenny with those three kiddos completely relieved any fear Parker and I had. Jenny had the best day with them and is so ready to be a big sister! We all know I have baby fever, and I am now fairly confident that Jenny does too ;).


  1. Baby fever has got you and it's Parkers turn ;)

  2. It's cool how dogs just seem to sense that they need to be more calm around babies.

  3. Hahaha, baby fever has gotten the best of you! This is soo so cute. So glad Jenny got along well with the kids!! =)

  4. Oh I have baby fever too! We visited friends yesterday and I got to hold their 1 month old.

    Hooray for Jenny being good with kids :) We were worried my dad's dog would be bad around William, but he has been awesome. William can use him as a pillow and Cooper just lays there lol

  5. Haha...Cute! Coongrats to Jenny! That's so amazing that Jenny knows how to act around babies. Baby fever!! Go for

  6. Yay for Jenny being good with kids! I know that's one of our greatest concerns about Bruce so I can understand what a relief that is. Also, please just have a baby already.

  7. Ooo baby fever?? Hmmm... cant wait to hear more about it hopefully in the near future ;)

  8. Goodness girl, I thought you were going to say you were pregnant. I think that it would be a good idea for you guys to get on that. ;-)

  9. Aww this just warms my heart! Such a sweet girl. Looks like 2/3 of the family members approve of a baby. Majority rules, right? (;

  10. I love this! I can't say enough DOGS RULE! And sweet that your own sweetie pie dog played with the kids and loved it! How sweet it will be when you are pregnant and she lays close to your tummy because she knows. Priceless!

  11. I absolutely respect how cautious you were about Jenny and the children-- so many people don't even think twice about it. And I'm even more happy that Jenny did so well.. it sounds like she IS ready for the "responsibility" and like most rescued pups, she knows that she was saved and she is doing her "duty" as a loved pup and acting accordingly!

  12. So cute that she was concerned about the baby! At least now you have someone on your side with the baby fever, hopefully you and Jenny can convince Parker!

  13. Good girl! I'm sensing baby fever...

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  14. New follower!! Your blog is adorable!!!


  15. OMG. this cracked me up. We did the same thing with our puppy recently. Granted she's a small pug so a somewhat lesser risk, but it was still a relief to see her act gently around our friends baby and kids.

    My Wholesome Home


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