Moments | Anchors Aweigh


September 30, 2013


This was the first time in a while that we have had the weekend all to ourselves. We have absolutely loved getting to see our families so much over the past couple of months, but constantly being on the road catches up with you. This weekend was just what the doctor ordered. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary. In fact, Saturday consisted of a nature walk with Jenny, errands, and watching the Ags take on Arkansas (crazy, huh?), but it was perfect.

We took Jenny to an open field with a pond on base and just enjoyed a beautiful morning as a family. In those moments, I was so content. Life is going to speed up and get busier as we near the end of the year, but those few moments of quality family time were so perfect. Honestly, had we not been traveling so much and constantly on the go, I probably would have taken those moments for granted. Time is such a gift.

And as Jenny knows, all good things must end in a bath ;)

Busy season is upon us, but I am so thankful for simple moments like these.


  1. LOVE these kinds of weekends!!! (And my hubby was not happy with the Aggie win.. ;) haha! he is a huge Razorback!) lol!!

  2. These are my favorite weekends. Love this so much! The pictures are awesome! Such a happy dog. I think it has something to do with her cute parents! =)

  3. The simple weekends are my favorites! Glad you had a great weekend!

  4. Those are my favorite weekends. Its good just to take time with your family and reconnect!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  5. This sounds like a truly refreshing weekend. You can never have too many of those.

  6. that's awesome that y'all were able to have a low-key weekend, sounds like it was EXACTLY what y'all needed!

  7. Sounds like quite the perfect weekend!

  8. Weekends like that are the BEST! You all look like you had so much fun!

  9. haha all good things end in a bath. You speak truth! :)

  10. Totally agree! We had a free weekend too and it was so nice, we even got a nap in!

  11. So cute! Weekends like that are very refreshing!

  12. I love the look on Jenny's face after her bath! Reminds me of my beagle pup! Haha

  13. I love taking my dog to go swim. She always has a blast and it's such great exercise for her!

  14. awww so fun - looks like such an awesome day. thanks for linking up with us. would love for you to add a link back to the pets are people too linkup so other pet bloggers can find the linkup. thanks!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak


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