Precious Family Time and Baby Fever | Anchors Aweigh


September 5, 2013

Precious Family Time and Baby Fever

In addition to seeing two of our favorite people get married in Oklahoma, we also got to spend time with family in Dallas! I guess it must have been a good weekend since I am still blogging about it on a Thursday. Anyway, Parker's extended family all got together for a little BBQ so we could see everyone before we had to head back. Full bellies and family...nothing better!

Of course we couldn't forget about the furball...Jenny had a great time giving lots of kisses and running crazy like there was no tomorrow.

So that was the precious family time, and it was precious indeed. Then baby fever happened. Our cousin just had a sweet baby girl, and all I wanted to do was hold this sweet chunker and never let her go. Baby fever was in full swing and unfortunately for Parker has not seemed to go down at all. Come on though, wouldn't you want one after holding this little 10 week old blessing?!

I couldn't even handle the cuteness. We don't have many friends or family who have babies, so getting to love on this little one was such a treat. It was a great weekend filled with people that we love. We really treasure those kinds of weekends! And what do you know, the next weekend is just one day away. Yahtzee!


  1. So sweet! I really miss my family after reading this post. Even the crazies lol! And seriously I love it when men have baby fever it's so sweet!!! My hubby adores kids and I love seeing him in action!!

  2. Next time you are in Dallas CALL ME!!

  3. Your cousin's baby is PRECIOUS! I love her little headband :)

  4. Just have a baby already! Someday our husbands will cave. Someday.

  5. :)
    Babies are so stinking sweet. a lot of my friends have babies...and i love holding them!
    baby fever!

  6. Baby fever here!! Haha whenever there is a friends baby nearby I manage to hoard and hold them for as long as possible!!

  7. Oh that baby fever is potent! Anytime I am around or see pictures of precious newborns my heart melts and I want to have another!

  8. Family is beyond the best. Great pics and isnt baby love the best thing ever.

  9. So cute!!! My husband had baby fever before I did and didn't understand it, and then it hit me and I couldn't wait to have one. So fun to spend time with family! looks like fun!

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  11. What wonderful family time! How fun that you got to hold the little one. I've got baby fever like crazy so I don't think that would have been good for me. ;-)

  12. I have baby fever too... Kind of a big problem since I'm not even married (or in a relationship!) I jokingly tell my sisters to hurry up and get married and start having babies!

  13. Family time can be so rejuvenating! Nick would have never let the last picture a happen with us... looks a little too real! You guys looks cute tho!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  14. Jenny looks so happy! I think any dog would be, with all those balls and grass to run around in :)

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  15. I get baby fever just looking at that cute little one lol! I am super excited about having another baby even though it's going to be at least a year before we start trying haha.

    I'm so glad y'all had such an amazing weekend :)


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