The Boy Behind The Blog: September Edition | Anchors Aweigh


September 19, 2013

The Boy Behind The Blog: September Edition

Well friends, it's that time of the month...the time where I ask Parker five fairly simple questions about himself, and he looks at me like it's the hardest thing he's had to do all week. I enjoy the Boys Behind the Blog link-up, and I always think it's fun to hear the random answers he seems to come up with. So without further ado, here's more from the boy behind the blog.

Questions and Answers (my responses to his answers are in blue):

1. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
Bald eagle because I love flying AND America
No surprise on this one, but I have to say I do love his answer :)

2. What is your favorite meal?
Steak, mashed potatoes, and corn
Such a man answer. Actually if we go to a restaurant, this is what he will order 9 times out of 10. 

3. Do you use any forms of social media? What is your favorite?
Uhhh Facebook? Twitter is totes lame
Haha, someone was drinking the haterade!

4. Beer, wine, liquor, other, or none of the above?
Beer or wine...don't care, not a big drinker
Neither of us are. We will occasionally drink socially, but we aren't the type to pop open a beer at home. 

5. Complete the sentence: Never have I ever...
Made a status about Miley Cyrus
Hahaha, we had just finished talking about how people are obsessing about every thing that girl does. That said, we both serenade each other with "Wrecking Ball" on a daily basis. That song is catchy!

Well, that's it for this round! Thanks again Parker for such willing participation! I know you're so excited for next month! ;)


  1. The steak answer is definitely a man's answer. Every time my husband and I go out he hints that he wants a steak ha. That bald eagle answer was also pretty creative!

  2. Nice to meet you! Great answers.

  3. HAHA love how he put totes in there!

  4. this is great! and niceee with the Miley Cyrus answer!

  5. There are so many things I love about this. He's totes drinking the haterade on the Twitter thing hahaha! Also "America" for sure. Love this link-up!

  6. I really do love that Wrecking ball song! Not so much a fan of the VMA shenanigans though :)

  7. Baha! Darin's fav animal is a bald eagle too! New info to me!

  8. + 'MERICA!
    + oh em g he said "totes" hahahaha

  9. Loved reading it . Hahaha Twitter to totes , what a match . Do guys not talk about instas? I'm wondering.

  10. All of these answers were just great! Love the bald eagle! America!

  11. love that pic!!!

    XOXO Bunnie

  12. I still haven't heard Wrecking Ball. And I'm okay with that :)

  13. totes! Haha, he said totes. :) I still haven't heard Wrecking Ball, and I kind of hope I never do because her songs have a way of getting stuck pretty permanently in my brain. They are entirely too catchy.

  14. He seems so fun! I think you got a good guy. I wanted to participate in this, but I'm doing Fall Fun Week.... next time!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  15. Love reading that! I wish John would do something like this.


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