You Wouldn't Call It A Drinking Problem... Guest Post and Giveaway! | Anchors Aweigh


September 11, 2013

You Wouldn't Call It A Drinking Problem... Guest Post and Giveaway!

Hey everyone! I am so excited to introduce you to Tammy Jo over at You Wouldn't Call It A Drinking Problem! I have loved getting to know her- she's real, down to earth, and her blog is full of laughs. Specifically, I think we can all relate to going on the "seafood diet" at one point or another. That post had me giggling and nodding in agreement. Take it away Tammy Jo!


Hey guys! I'm Tammy and my blog home is You Wouldn't Call It A Drinking Problem. I'm super excited to be guest posting for Chelsea!!

I LOVE her! She is super sweet and she makes me believe in love again :).

First off who doesn't LOVE FREE THINGS?!?!?

Secondly who doesn't love free things for a good cause?!?!?!

That's what I thought :).

About a year ago a young lady and her 3 small children were killed in a bad car accident. Elizabeth was a year older than me in school and I'm from a small town where everyone is friends with everyone at some point. Elizabeth and I were close in middle school and slowly drifted apart, but she was a super sweet girl! After high school I kept up with her and her family on facebook (such an awesome invention right?!?!). Her death hit hard and you can read more about that here.

Her mother (Julie) has also started a blog and I can promise you if you don't have tissues you will need them. You can check her out here.

So I tell you all this because I'm doing a GIVE-A-WAY! Her mother makes the most beautiful door wreaths I've ever seen and since fall is right around the corner (unless you live in Texas... it takes longer to make its debut), I'm giving away this beautiful wreath!!  Julie has started a scholarship fund and the profit from the wreaths will go to help that get started. You can read about the scholarship for Elizabeth here and the boys here

Enter below to win this beautiful Fall wreath! (please wait 10-15 seconds for giveaway to load)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Aww!! I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend! As a Mother who lost her son, I know what it feels like to lose your child and it's something no person should ever have to endure! I will send many prayers her way! I would love to enter the giveaway but it wouldn't let me-- BOO!!

  2. If any reader would like a wreath to support Elizabeth and Fischer, Ben and Hayes Memorial Scholarship fund, please message me at my daughter's blog:


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