Be A Best Friend | Anchors Aweigh


October 16, 2013

Be A Best Friend

A couple of weeks ago, someone mentioned that it seems like Parker and I are always having fun and that "it's almost like we're best friends". I had to laugh when I heard this because honestly, that is exactly what it is.

Parker is my best friend, and I am his.

Marriage is a funny thing. You can go into it with expectations, but you really have no idea what it's going to be like until you're thrown into the adventure. Marriage has been idealized by so many, myself included. I have been told it seems like Parker and I have the perfect marriage, and that's so funny to me. What constitutes the perfect marriage? A home-cooked meal on the table every night? Nope, I have literally served Parker macaroni and cheese with cut-up hotdogs before. Sex every night? Ha! Full time jobs, traveling, etc. make that expectation unrealistic. Always agreeing on everything? Oh please, we argue about the weather. The point is, at the end of the day it's a relationship. We argue, we disagree, I cry, he gets frustrated, but good grief we have a blast! The good parts outweigh the hard parts in every way.

We love our perfectly imperfect relationship.

After all is said and done, if we weren't truly best friends, this just wouldn't work. To me, marriage is about hanging out at home making up the words to songs. Marriage is late night pillow talks that cause you to wake up exhausted, but that neither of you would replace for that extra 1-2 hours of sleep. Marriage is praying together and watching the other one grow closer to God. Marriage is falling more and more in love with your best friend every single day. 

It's not always easy, but it's always worth it. I think the great thing about marriage is there is no set way to do it. You have to figure out what works for you as a couple. How you communicate, how you disagree, how you get through the tough times- there is no standard. We aren't always prepared for what life throws at us, but there is no one I would rather have by my side as we figure out this crazy adventure together. 


  1. YES! I love every single word of this and then some. =)

  2. I LOVE this!!! I think it is so true!! Can't wait to find this :)

  3. BRAVO! & i'm not even married! :)

  4. Love this :) I love your perfectly imperfect relationship. You guys are just great.

  5. They say being best friends and THEN being a couple is the key to a successful marriage... looks like you guys have that best friend stuff down-pat! :) ♥

  6. So cute and so true! I love that picture of you guys with Jenny!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. So true marriage has it's rough stages but the beauty of it is when you make it through stronger than ever before. Bestfriends argue, annoy each other but at the end of the day they kiss and make up. No marriage is perfect you just have marriages where some people try harder than others. Thanks for sharing my friend. You and Parker are perfect for each other!!

  8. Marriage is work!! Anything worth having takes work! Love you two and your relationship!!!

  9. Very cute! Yes at the end of the day, it's a relationship- good, bad, ugly, wonderful! I love that I have someone to go through this life with. I had a feeling this morning that I haven't felt in awhile. Usually I'm the one leaving for work in the morning and I rush out the doors saying goodbye or he drops me off at work after we work out. But this morning, he left to go to an expo for his class and I felt myself sad and missing him. Thank You Lord for my husband!

  10. I adore this post! So true. My other half and I are best friends and we are always having fun. Of course we have our arguments, but we always end up laughing about them.

  11. Chelsea,

    I loved reading this! You're an inspiration. But, seriously I hope I find a love like this one day. Thanks for the great read :)

    -Alex @ Radiating Sunshine

  12. I'm loving everything about this post but the pictures are totally what I love the most!

  13. You are seriously the cutest! I can't wait until I find my someone!

  14. Chelsea, this is beautiful. Ryan said that the first thing my father asked when he asked for permission to marry me was...are you best friends? I'm so glad because Ryan really is my best friend. It's the foundation of ANY relationship :)

  15. <3 This is absolutely the truth!!! :-)

  16. Y'all are so cute! I love this post too!

  17. Yall are so adorable and i LOVE this post!

  18. I LOVE THIS POST!!! You two are definitely a great couple and have the type of relationship I want someday. I can't wait until I find my best friend!


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