God Is Writing Your Love Story | Anchors Aweigh


October 23, 2013

God Is Writing Your Love Story

The idea for this post came from a late night talk with Parker one evening. The concept that God is writing our love story... it's so interesting and so magnificent when you dive right into it. There is no doubt in our minds that God designed us for each other, but I also believe he designed this specific journey for us to go on. Did this journey include settling down in a suburban neighborhood and having kids after one or two blissful years of marriage? Absolutely not. That is a beautiful love story, but it's not the one God had planned for us.

You see, there is this stigma with 20 somethings. We are expected to graduate college, get married right away, and have kids when we are 25 years old (at least this is the mentality in the south) .... 25 years old?! Some of us are just figuring out who we are. Not only is getting married and settling down viewed as ideal, but it is viewed as a surefire one way ticket to happiness. That's so silly! It's definitely one way to do it. If that's the story God has written for you, it's a beautiful one, but every journey is unique.

Where will Parker and I be in 10 or 20 years? Only God knows. Where will you be in 10 or 20 years? Only God knows. We can plan and plan and plan down to the very last detail of our lives, but God holds the pen, and He has already decided the path each of us are meant to take.

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." -Proverbs 16:9

It is hard to let God have control. It is very easy to look at what someone else has and automatically want more. Single women want a husband, married women want children, and it just never ends. When things don't happen for you as soon as they happen for others, do you think it's because God forgot about you? Do you think He just got busy writing the perfect fairytale for someone else and decided to come back to you later? It's easy to think that you have been let down, but nothing could be further from the truth.

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart." -Jeremiah 1:5

He had a plan for us from the start. We were all fearfully and wonderfully formed into the people He designed us to be. It's hard to wait for something that others seem to attain so easily. You may feel like you are the only person on earth still single or the only wife that isn't pregnant, but God hasn't forgotten about you. He created you, He loves you, and His plans for you are far greater than anything you could have created yourself.


  1. When you messaged me something to this effect yesterday, it really struck a chord with me, Chelsea. It's so so easy to get caught up in the details and the wants, when really, God is planning it anyway. Who are we to interfere for this amazing story He has for us? Lovely post :)

  2. Such a beautiful post today! What a great reminder. =)

  3. This is so true. I sometimes forget that God has a plan and will help us through.

  4. Oh Chelsea I love this post! I honestly believe God had you write this post so I would see it and be reminded of His love. I've been struggling with comparing myself to the married people with kids since that's a large part of the culture here. I just need to be reminded that He hasn't given up on me, yet.

  5. Thank you for this beautiful reminder! Blessings to you both!

  6. I found you via the meet and greet link up! This is so beautifully written. I am guilty the getting married, graduating, then have a baby by 25 (twins in fact!) but I do know that's my story and I don't expect other people to go down the same path as me. I'm so thankful God is writing my love story, because if I wrote my own? It would be a disaster! Thanks for sharing!

  7. This is EXACTLY what I needed to read today! I have been struggling with the fact everyone around me is getting maried and having kids and I barely can keep a relationship for more than 3 months!

    Thank you and THANK GOD for letting you write this and I feel very blessed to have stumbled upon this today!

  8. Thank you for posting this!! Reminds me that I am exactly where God wants and needs me to be :)

  9. Yes! God knows the plan! And even if you are married--it doesn't mean that you already know the plan God has for the rest of your life! My husband and I are waiting and praying for Him to reveal more of that for us!

  10. This is such a wonderful post :) I always keep this in mind whenever I am feeling upset. I have always been a believer in everything happens for a reason and that God has a greater plan. I am so thankful that He gave William to us when He did :)

  11. This is so so so true!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  12. my goodness - that is most definitely the stigma in the south. i'm 25 and feel like I've "missed" something that all of my girlfriends are in the middle of.
    I definitely have to constantly remind myself that God is moving - even when I don't see it or feel it.
    and you're right, we're constantly wanting "more" or "the next step"...why can't we appreciate what God is doing for us right now? I know i'm guilty of it
    great post!

  13. This is really inspiring, and it really fits into the mini conversation we had the other day! This is just what I needed to hear!

  14. This is beautifully, very ture and very inspiring, thankyou so much for this post I really needed to read that :) Love your blog by the way! God bless, Rozzie :)



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