Life Lessons From The Furball | Anchors Aweigh


October 24, 2013

Life Lessons From The Furball

Yesterday was a little stressful. As the 5:00 hour rolled around and I finished up those last few emails, I looked down to see sweet Jenny sitting at my feet. She knows she is supposed to get a walk when I finish work (her biological clock is impeccable), and I could tell she was trying her hardest to be patient. One little look at her, and my day was turned around. It got me thinking. I really have learned so much from our furball, some being life lessons that I need to remember, and some being life lessons that she would want us all to remember.

Life lessons from a furball, as told from Jenny's perspective

No matter how hard your day has been, you can always turn it around. Take me on a walk and I promise you'll feel much better.

You can never be too careful. Those stairs might lead to a black hole that will suck you in forever.

As long as you're cute, you can get away with anything. Just cower and pretend to be sorry. It gets them every time.

Find someone you love, and never let them go. Take kitty for example. I loved her and took her everywhere I went...for a week. 

Love means licking your human's face after licking your butt. Humans don't see it this way, but I promise it's the case.

Hold your loved ones close. Snuggle up and infringe on their personal space as much as you can.

Be a pleasant member of the family to come home to. When the humans open the door, get that tail waggin!

Pets can be the best medicine, and it's amazing what those little furballs can teach us complicated humans. She may not be able to solve the world's problems, and she may never stop licking her butt, but she will always provide us with all the love she can give. Furry friends really are the best. :)

Also, Jenny wants to wish a very happy birthday to the best aunt a pupper could have! We love you Nat!


  1. Fun and true post. I loved the perspective!
    Have a good day!

  2. So true. A reminder to not overthink things and love the simple! So cute!

  3. Oh my goodness, look at that sweet face! I think Ryan is secretly sad we can't have a dog for a while because of the two pet limit on base. Our two kitties, however, constantly love us and keep us on our toes :)

  4. So cute!!!! I miss my doggy, died after 14 years together(since born)
    Following you via bloghop. Hope to see you @ my place and hope folow back:) Have a great day!

  5. Hahaha! I love this! So so true that taking your dog for a walk makes you feel all better, usually! =)

  6. jenny looks like she'd be lots of fun. fur balls are the best :D

  7. loved reading jenny's perspective. and it's true, sometimes the things that make us happiest in life are that simple!

  8. The best part of my day is going home to Bruke he makes everything better :)

  9. Awwwwww! I love this. I love that she took her toy everywhere with her!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  10. Jenny is so cute. Furballs are great at making a bad day great!

  11. That. Video. hahaha! I don't know what it is about stairs with pups but it's the funniest thing. Also I love this because all of it is true! :) Love you and miss you Jenny!...You too Phelps humans.

  12. Jenny! Ahh so cute. It's amazing how they can turn your day around

  13. I love this! Finn does not have a tail so when we get home he gives up "hugs". Which really just means he jumps on us. We find it endearing...others not so much.

  14. So sweet, and so true! I miss my dog at home! But the apartment pup has been a great companion!

  15. I love this! Jenny is such a cutie. Our puppy Louie definitely brightens our day every day. :) So many of these "lessons" reminded me of stuff he does. Isn't it hard to get on to them when they are so cute?!

  16. Jenny is such a sweet puppy :)

  17. I absolutely love this post. :) She is too cute!

  18. I loved this!! It is soo adorable!! so true too.

  19. pets are the best medicine. i love mine!!

  20. Awww this is so sweet. What would we do without our little furballs and all the wisdom they bring to us?!


  21. Aw this is such a sweet post! That video of her on the stairs is too funny, wonder why she didn't want to go down them ha ha.
    Pets can definitely turn even the worst days around (:

  22. I can agree! I love our dogs and I'm so glad that we have them! The baby can be a little much with her licking and such but we LOVE her!

  23. aww she is so cute! thanks for joining our link up :)
    -- jackie @ jade and oak


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